
You will miss the woman who tried so hard to keep you

People are notorious for not appreciating something they have enough until they lose it. This trait is particularly evident in men.

It is well known that women are emotional beings who do everything with their hearts and less often with their heads.

We literally leave our souls in the relationship hoping that we will get at least a small part of it back.

But, after some time, everything fades away..

Not with every man, but with many.

They’re starting to take us women for granted.

They think it’s enough to try at the beginning of the relationship and when they get the woman they want, they stop trying.

Over time, this behavior becomes common and in such relationships women forget what true love is and how a man should behave towards his woman.

Almost all women then ask themselves one and the same question: “Why did I allow myself to do this and why do I try so hard to make this relationship last?”

After some time, the feelings accumulate inside you and suddenly something happens that you didn’t expect..

You won’t care! You will no longer have feelings for this man.

All that’s there now is just the void he left behind with his behavior.


You stop striving and refocus on yourself and your goals in life.

Maybe you’ve been in this situation before and now it seems like déjà vu.

Anyway, the main thing is that you have your eyes open and you are ready to go!

Without you looking back

And guess what will happen immediately after that moment..

Yeah right. This man will start missing you.

Everything that bothered him before will now be his favorite thing about you.

He starts calling you every day, texting you.

He says he misses you.

But it’s too late.

A message to this man: you will miss the woman who tried so hard to keep you!

You will miss her the way she always missed you when you weren’t there for her

What, now you suddenly realized how she felt all this time?

Now you’re sorry and you want everything to go back to how it was before?

Don’t you think it’s too late for that now?

Are you still unaware that you’ve lost her forever?

She had no one to talk to and she kept apologizing for your absence even though she knew you were just joking around.

She waited for you and kept finding new excuses to justify your behavior.

She hoped that you would change and go back to how you started..

You will miss how she forgave you for your mistakes.

You will miss how she kept telling you that she will always be there for you no matter the cost…

But you messed that up too.

You will miss the way she loved you unconditionally.

Because believe me, no one will love you as much and as much as she loved you.

With all her heart, deeply and unconditionally.

You will miss her and her eyes. You will miss her kisses, her hugs and the way she called your name.

Because nobody else will give you as much as she did.

You could always count on her because you knew she was always waiting.

That may be why you took her for granted.

But she’s gotten smarter now and she’s started to think about herself for a change.

She now sees what she has missed during this time and what she has to catch up.

She doesn’t even think about you for a second.

All that’s left for you to do is miss her.

And believe me, you will too!

When everyone left you, she stayed by your side

Other people left you as soon as they realized that you weren’t the good person you used to be.

They’ll leave you as soon as they’re no longer of use to you, or find someone they love better than you.

but she wasn’t, she was always there. Same behind your back. 

She never cared about your weaknesses or flaws.

Maybe you didn’t want to see them either.

She has always tried to look past them and find some good in you.

She always defended you when others tried to tell her that she deserves someone better than you!

She made an effort to tell them positive things about you to at least try to show them how you look in their eyes.

When people got fed up with your miserable behavior or your abuse, she stayed because she hoped that you had better days ahead of you and that maybe over time you would change.

She thought that other things are responsible for you being too tired or exhausted.

She always found excuses…

So she stood by you to show you that she was your true friend, to show you that you could always count on her.

And she was, but now she isn’t and you’re going to miss her a lot.

You’ll start missing her even more when you realize there aren’t many people who actually care about you

Lots of things annoyed you about her. You used to tell her she was too clingy if she just asked if it was safe for you to get home or work.

But, she was only worried because she loves you and you are important to her.

Just wait, you’ll miss all of this once you realize that hardly anyone cares about you.

Especially these days. You will find cute what you may have found annoying before.

You’ll realize that she wasn’t exaggerating at all and that her intentions were honest.

Because what you thought was neediness was actually too much caring.

If you thought she lacked confidence, it was because she was completely vulnerable with someone who didn’t appreciate it.

You were everything to her. But that’s in the past now.

You will miss the woman who tried so hard to keep you…

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