
The 5 types of Chemistry in Relationships

The 5 types of chemistry in relationships

The chemistry in love and relationships is sought after and desirable. Who doesn’t want to experience the magic and spark in someone special?

“There’s something beautiful about casual bonding, the energy is real.” – Dulce Ruby

When it does, the feelings are unmistakable and often defy reason. There is harmony between you and you create a beautiful melody that flows naturally. Nothing feels forced, fake, or contrived. It just is.

The attraction that pulls you into the wholeness of another person is described in terms like “know”, “attraction”, “mood” and “soul connection”. Movies provide visual clues as to what this looks like. Timeless scenes from classics like “Casablanca” (“Here’s lookin’ at you kid”) or “The Notebook” (“You are and have always been my dream”) make us squeal with joy.

The reason chemistry feels nebulous is because it manifests through energy, not thought. Some believe it is a by-product of unconscious decisions based on a complex mix of criteria based on our upbringing and what we have learned.

If this is true, then how do we explain falling for someone who is different from us and why we are repulsed by someone who, at first glance, seems a good fit according to societal norms?

To make sense of this phenomenon, we must acknowledge that we are more than just our physical selves. We have an energy field called an “aura” – a measurable electromagnetic field that is generated at the cellular level.

All living beings carry this subtle electric energy field around their body, extending a few inches from them. It intersects and blends into the fields of everyone we interact with, causing us to either feel attached to them or repelled by them.

This merging of energy fields, referred to as “empathic merging,” is the exchange of energies that occurs between two people. dr Lawrence Wilson writes in an article: “It is very similar, if not identical, to the phenomenon called induction in electricity and magnetism. In electricity, when two wires are close together, as in a transformer, the current from one wire can cause or induce a current flow in the other wire. This is how a transformer works.”

Chemistry occurs when there is either resonance, entrainment, or imprinting—when the frequencies of two people merge powerfully and leave a powerful impression.

Now comes the tricky part: Just because you feel charged with someone else doesn’t mean they’re right for you, nor is it an indication of a lasting connection.

Chemistry comes in many forms, ranging from a healthy mix of warmth, trust, familiarity, similarity, and understanding to a toxic mix of control, lust, infatuation, and dependency. Like mixing different chemical compounds in a laboratory, reactions can occur that are spectacular to behold, or reactions that are destructive.

The next time you experience chemistry with someone, take off those rose-colored glasses and examine yourself. Does it feel healing, nurturing, and bring out the best in you? Or does it drain your energy and leave you feeling uncomfortable and insecure? Either way, it’s better if you know ahead of time and cut your losses.

Knowing the different types of chemistry to share with another person helps you come to that realization. The chemistry in the relationship is the basis for compatible relationships .

Being aware of which of these five types of relationship chemistry drives connection is critical to your success.

The 5 types of chemistry in relationships

1. Physical

The physical chemistry in relationships is what we’re most familiar with and what’s commonly associated with chemistry because that’s how we feel physically when it’s in full swing: you’re dizzy, your pulse is racing, and you’ve got butterflies Belly. It is an animal dream to want to be close to someone and to make contact with them.

When two people find each other physically attractive, an initial interest arises that may or may not result in a solid and lasting connection. In order for it to last, it needs to have more depth.

2. Emotions

The best way to describe the emotional chemistry in relationships is that you feel at home around someone. Your personality, interests, values, communication styles and temperaments are meant for each other.

These similarities make it easy to develop friendships based on mutual trust and support. You know it in someone when you feel safe enough to be open and vulnerable and when you feel understood. Emotional chemistry takes time to appreciate because it requires us to get to know the other person.

3. Intellectual

This type of chemistry in relationships is characterized by a clash of thoughts. You and your partner are on the same mental wavelength and you understand each other’s thoughts. Couples with high intellectual chemistry can engage in long, deep conversations and debates that engage the other on a cerebral level.

Similar preferences for books, interests, subjects, and educational backgrounds contribute to this type of connection. Spiritual match in a relationship is a matter of preference. Some people place less value on intellectual chemistry and get it from non-romantic relationships, while others absolutely need it in their partner.

4. Creative

Creative chemistry is mainly found in the professional environment, where people work together in partnerships or teams to successfully achieve their goals. But it also often occurs in romantic relationships. It is particularly useful when the partners need to work together, e.g. B. in raising children, housekeeping or holiday planning.

When your creative personalities complement each other, you find it easier to understand and support each other’s creative endeavors. Couples who have the right creative chemistry can even become business partners, working side by side to grow their business.

5. Spiritual

The spiritual chemistry in relationships is between people who share a similar soul mission and see the world through a similar existential lens. There is something transcendent about such a connection, for both partners are destined for each other to serve a higher purpose of raising consciousness, whether through the children they raise together or through specific projects they undertake.

These fateful connections often result in bringing in more love and awareness and transcending everyday life. Classic examples of couples with high spiritual chemistry are Coretta Scott and Martin Luther King. Jr. or Marie and Pierre Curie. Couples who lose children through illness or accidents and who start educational campaigns also embody this.

When it comes to true love, we prefer to worry less and go with what comes our way. A spontaneous approach seems fun, carefree, and even romantic. But our passions are like wild horses – they need direction to find food and shelter.

When we assess the chemistry in our relationships, we direct our passion towards relationships that fulfill our needs for dream and excitement, but also for connection and meaning.

The 5 types of chemistry in relationships

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