A Real Love Drama Awaits These Zodiac Signs In January 2024
New year, new luck? Not necessarily! While some are still in peaceful holiday mode, others are already slipping into a violent love drama in January. At least that’s what the stars say for a few zodiac signs. You can find out what these are here.
These zodiac signs start the new year in 2024 with a lot of emotional chaos.
Libras are particularly in need of harmony – that is well known. But in January there could still be a real drama with this zodiac sign. The reason: is jealousy. Unfortunately, there are no open ears for clarifying discussions and a solution to the problem. As a result, something builds up on the scales. No wonder it can crack. And that’s exactly what makes the otherwise balanced Libra difficult. Luckily, the drama passed as quickly as it came.
Sagittarians feel torn in January and fluctuate wildly with their feelings. And the zodiac sign also lets those around you and love interests feel it. You suddenly question everything! Spoiler: Of course, that doesn’t go down well with the other person. The result: the zodiac sign is ghosted or a dispute escalates violently. In any case, the shooters need a thick skin in January.
Okay, Leos is struggling with the conflicting stars in January. Somehow they are therefore quite rebellious on the way. Although Leos are happy in a relationship, they risk everything with risky flirts. Drama is inevitable! But single Leos also feel somewhat out of place on dates and know how to provoke their counterparts. If that works out? Probably not, that’s why the signs point to trouble on the single front as well!