
These Zodiac Signs Never Follow Rules

Never Follow Rules

These Zodiac Signs Never Follow Rules

“Rules are there to be broken” – that’s probably the motto of some people. It is obvious that they do not make themselves particularly popular in this way. But this little revolutionary attitude could also have something to do with the zodiac sign.

You can read here which three signs of the zodiac simply never follow rules.


Ever been in a car with a bull? The impulsive zodiac sign perceives traffic rules more as suggestions and does not necessarily follow them. There is also no speed limit, after all, it is more important to get to your destination as quickly as possible. But you have to give the bull one thing: he never loses sight of the safety of his fellow passengers during his sometimes daring maneuvers. It’s just a shame that it usually only becomes clear afterward. In the future, however, the stubborn zodiac sign should perhaps take one or the other rule seriously and also discard its unteachable character trait.


Extroverted as Leo is, they always prioritize their well-being and the things they want to achieve. For him, however, the fact that he has to ignore certain rules from time to time is simply part of it. The persistence with which he wants to reach his goal does the rest. And once the zodiac sign is enthusiastic about something, there is no going back anyway. At that moment, the lion simply does not see that obstacles are being placed in his way. However, this can often backfire and slow down the plan of the strong sign of the zodiac.


The passion of Scorpios is noticeable in every way. Whether in a partnership, at work, or with hobbies. However, the zodiac sign likes to forget that not everything always goes the way it imagines. But here the wishful thinking is bigger because the Scorpio knows exactly what he has to do to get what he wants. Rules don’t matter at all here, because the only rule there is for the zodiac sign is: Enjoy! But it is better not to question how this happens. Does this strategy always work?

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