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The Zodiac Combinations That Are Getting Closer in May 2024

The Zodiac Combinations That Are Getting Closer in May

Love is not easy and often even complicated. Dates and flirts don’t always become more. But in May 2024, according to the horoscope, a few zodiac sign combinations are getting closer and closer. You can read about them here.

These zodiac signs could soon be in a relationship.

Scorpio and Cancer

This may sound like a very unusual combination at first. But the two are the ideal complement for each other when you take a closer look. While Cancer is very sensitive and tactful with those around him, Scorpio is bursting with passion and energy. Your dynamic is unique. And this coming May, single Cancers and single Scorpios could start to take the next step and confess their feelings to officially become a couple.

Pisces and Cancer

Especially on an emotional level, Pisces and Cancer are a perfect combination, finally deciding in May 2024 that something serious is going on between them. They feel comfortable and have a lot of understanding for each other. No wonder, because their character traits are very similar. They are both very considerate and always listen to each other no matter what concerns they have. They have dream couple potential. The two zodiac signs can therefore be curious about what the next few weeks and months will bring.

Aquarius and Gemini

The two air signs finally come closer in May 2024 and dare to take the next step. Their situationship didn’t last long. They quickly developed feelings for each other. A clarifying conversation reveals that they had a strong connection from the start. Because her attraction is undeniable. Aquarius, in particular, is still struggling with whether it isn’t a bit too early to get back into a relationship – he’s not quite over his last breakup yet.

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