
How to find your ideal partner for life

If you want to find the ideal partner, you cannot wait for it to happen by itself, you have to take action.

There are different ways to find the ideal partner, for example with the help of numerology , astrology or you can attract someone through your thoughts – everything is possible.

But it’s best if you rely on yourself and the classic ways of getting to know each other.

While it’s true that you can’t plan it because love always comes unexpectedly, you still can’t sit at home and wait for your ideal partner to knock on your door (unless they’re a handsome postman or delivery man).

When we’re younger, in school, and we’re always on the road, it’s easier for us to find a partner, but when we’re adults and our circle of friends is smaller and our activities less – it becomes more difficult.

Over the years, of course, our expectations increase, especially of the ideal partner with whom we could one day imagine a marriage, because we have gained enough life experience and because during these years we know what we like in a partner and what bothers us .

When we’re younger, it’s enough for someone to physically attract us or listen to the same music as us to start a relationship.

When we are young we are not choosy because we don’t have a list of what we want in a partner because we don’t know what we want when we are young.

Ideally, we find the ideal mate in our youth, but that is almost impossible, and one rarely hears from anyone who has had this experience.

If you want to find the ideal partner, you have to make an effort, because everything that puts a lot of effort into leads to great success in the end.

In order not to grope in the dark and “fall for” every man who shows even the slightest interest in you, you must first find out what you really want from your life and from the ideal partner and what kind of relationship you would be happy in would.

Here are 5 steps that will help you find the ideal partner.

1. Analyze

First off, you should know what you’re looking for.

It would be good if you analyzed all past love relationships.

What character traits and qualities did you really like in your ex-partner?

Make a list of them because it will help you understand what you and don’t want in an ideal partner.

It’s also important to observe the environment in which you move, paying special attention to the people who have the greatest impact on your perception of love and relationships.

These are people who greatly influence your worldview.

Analyze them the same way you did your ex-partners and you will see if you have inherited any misconceptions about love and relationships from them.

2. Know yourself

For example, if you don’t enjoy cleaning your apartment or house, you probably know right away that a relationship with a man who’s extremely picky isn’t going to be a happy one.

If you are very fond of going out and travelling, an introverted man who likes to be at home will not be the right partner for you.

You know this yourself, but only after you have got to know yourself and your desires.

After that, you should think carefully about what qualities you want your future partner to have.

3. Love yourself and take care of your appearance

If you’re looking for a partner, you shouldn’t walk around with dirty hair and unironed blouses – that doesn’t go down well with anyone.

Everyone likes to have someone by their side who is good looking and takes care of their appearance.

I believe that when you are in a restaurant or a café, the first thing you notice is people who are well-groomed and good-looking.

First impressions are important to establish verbal contact because you will rarely be spoken to if you look unkempt.

Imagine you’re out shopping and at a stop light you meet the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen and you haven’t even combed your hair.

I think you would feel indescribably bad because he didn’t even look at you.

This is why you should always be ready because love is lurking around every corner.

When it comes to good looks, it’s not just for single women; in my opinion, every man and woman, regardless of status and age, should take care of their appearance.

4. Go in search

If you want a love relationship and you are looking for an ideal partner, the first thing you should do is go to places where you have the opportunity to meet new people.

Strive for these to be places where there is a real possibility that you will find the man you want.

For example, if it is important to you that your husband is an art and culture lover, then you should definitely visit exhibitions, libraries and similar places.

If you enjoy playing sports and it is important to you that your man shares this passion, then go to games, go jogging or join a sports club.

5. Online Dating

As we spend more and more time in our own homes these days, online dating is ideal for people who don’t have time to go out and for those who prefer this technology.

Finding the ideal partner online depends largely on how well you design your profile.

First impressions are the most important thing in online dating, and they have to be right.

To help you find your ideal partner online, here are some tips to keep in mind when searching for online dating.

Online dating sites/apps

One of the top online dating tips that you shouldn’t overlook is finding the best dating site/app.

Some online dating sites/apps are free while others require a monthly subscription.

First, read the customer reviews and find out about the site/app that interests you.

If what you are looking for is not available on one site, you should look elsewhere.

Here we have a few reputable dating sites for you:

  • LoveScout24
  • e darling
  • Elite Partners
  • Parship
  • Tinder
  • lovoo
  • bumble

Don’t lie

One of the most common online dating tips that is often not followed is to be honest.

Many lie about occupation, age, and even preferences—all to lure the opposite sex.

It’s important to tell the truth so the other person knows what to expect from you.

Use good photos

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Make sure you put a good and attractive photo on your profile.

It is very important that the image does not differ too much from what you actually look like.

Don’t over-photoshop your photo because your potential partner will (hopefully) see you on a live date anyway.

Their first meeting

Your first meeting should be in a place you know.

Never go somewhere unfamiliar because you never know who is actually hiding behind a dating profile.

Bring enough money for a taxi you may need.

***When you have finally found a partner who seems like a potential ideal partner for you, try to steer the topic to hobbies and things that are important to you as soon as possible. In this way you will find out in no time whether you are a good match. If so, keep building the relationship, and if not, be content because you haven’t wasted too much time. If you continue the relationship, remember how important it is to have as many similar interests as possible, because too many differences and contradictions will lead to disagreements and, in the long run, a failed relationship

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