
For Each Sign Of The Zodiac, There Is A Love Letter

A Love Letter

For Each Sign Of The Zodiac, There Is A Love Letter

Love drives us to keep going when everything around us falls apart, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be love as a couple. It is the force that gives us value, that should be within us, that reminds us of who we are and our ability to shine. Sometimes a friend comes up and whispers to us, other times it’s our mother, sister, or brother who encourages us to keep going. Here we know your personality, your gifts, and even your dark side. That is why we dare to send you this letter because you deserve to read how important it is for the world that a person like you exists. Here is a love letter for each zodiac sign:


Dear Aries, I am sitting in the stands of a motorcycle race. The drivers are primed, focused, and ready to explode their engines and I can’t stop thinking about you. This is what you transmit to me, that burning and unbridled strength, that courage to throw yourself into danger and fight to reach the top. Even in the most difficult corners you play, laugh, and take risks. That’s why I love you with all my soul, that’s why I can’t stop thinking that you deserve the best. 


Taurus, one more day I watch you from afar, I still don’t dare to get closer. I love the way you sit in the sun, looking at nothing as if it were full of everything. Your sophistication blinds me with beauty and I fear trying to go to you in case I stumble in my blindness. How many times have I wanted to shout at you that I need your patience and calm energy for my torn heart, how many more times am I left feeling thirsty for your greatness. I need you to see the abundance that comes from every inch of your skin, to admire all your gifts, and to pluck up the courage to go out into the world and share them with all of us.


Dear Gemini, today I met a new side of you. And again I fall in love again. How is it possible to fall in love so many times with the same person? I’m crazy about the Gemini who has fun with friends, the who studies a thousand different things, the who travel, and the one who works. Crazy for the one who writes me a thousand messages, the one who says what he thinks. Crazy for the one who changes my plans at the last minute and still says it with such charm that I would die for him if necessary. I love all of your selves, Gemini, I love you.


Dear Cancer, I found out about your secret. I followed you from afar the other night. It was after you said goodbye to your friends, who could not survive without your care, without your open doors and your snacks until midnight sharing their problems. As I was saying, I watched you on the way home. I saw how the moonlight began to transmute you, the stars and the sea merged with your spirit and suddenly, the person who seemed normal before became a god-goddess. Now I found out that you are magic, that you are love and calm. I ask you please to let yourself be seen or at least, to allow yourself to see yourself.


Leo, the textbooks must be wrong. I am firmly convinced that the universe must revolve around you. I know, it is a certainty, and would prove it to the world without hesitation. It is impossible not to fall into your magnetism, into your field of attraction. You give so much light… If life exists, it’s because you wake up every morning, I’m sure Leo. You are creativity and authenticity, loyalty and merit, and fire. And you are the regret of not being able to be by your side every hour of the day. I love you, Leo.


The afternoon light leaps from leaf to leaf among the trees in the park, rising and falling as the wind blows it away. I wait for you Virgo, I want to see intelligent steps appear among these constellations of small flowers. I love your subtle but firm energy, I love every detail of your soul. I love your way of organizing the world. I want to discover once again those sincere and perfect eyes, that you look at me as you only know how to do and tell me that you love me as much as I love you. 


Piano music plays, Nuvole Bianche. I see you through the notes, through the pulsations of the instrument, I see you walk, smile shyly. I see you embrace what I think, what I feel, and what I want. I see you in my mind and just ask the universe to make you come true. That you walk elegantly by my side, that you dance in my light and in my darkness. There has not been and will not be anyone like you, Libra. You are music to my soul, art to the world. And you are a force that dares to be herself. I love and revere you, Libra.


Dear Scorpio, someone once asked me if I had watched a storm at sea, reflecting on how dangerous and powerful it could be. I remembered being on a boat, with very rough seas, and jumping into the water with diving equipment. From the bottom I looked up and the storm seemed to be just a game on the surface. The dark sea embraced and protected me, contained my fear, and healed me. That’s just what I feel when I’m with you, that like you I can go down to hell and come back stronger. I admire every rebirth you’ve had, your mystery, and your emotional strength. The world would not survive without people like you.


Dear Sagittarius, I look up and see you full of optimism, clinging to life like someone who thinks they have to live it all in a single moment. Today you have shaken my heart again, shouting the truth and pushing me to a new adventure with all the faith that I can do it. This is how you inspire me Sagittarius, this is how you help me get out of what I call comfort. And I want the same for you, that you be free and see that your light is a mixture of all cultures, you are my religion. Be your own sense of life too, Sagittarius.


Dear Capricorn, today I may run into you again and I have to be prepared. This time I want you to give me the opportunity, to trust what I feel. I have full faith because I have never met anyone like you, with your strength, your superior and enigmatic mind, and your ability to go where others only dream of. I would like to live up to it and be able to embrace my feelings and take care of what I hide. Even if the mountains are lonely, I will prepare warm base camps for you. I love you with all my soul and I am ready for an honest and pure commitment.


Dear Aquarius, it’s been a week since that vibrant and strange night, in which you opened my eyes to a parallel universe and I only think about spending thousands more nights by your side. Your mind went light years ahead of the present, holding my hand with your face as a rebel without a cause and telling me a thousand stories. Thank you for teaching me to live with freedom and detachment. My heart wants to dance next to yours, without ties, creating a different and unique life. There will be many adventures that occur at strange hours and in unknown places, we will come and go, but we will always have each other. Because to me, you are perfect. I love you.


Dear Pisces, at first I was reluctant to believe it was true. A love so pure and unreserved gestures so romantic that they seemed taken from a movie, afternoons in the clouds, and messages from novels. There couldn’t be so much creativity, and spiritual connection, I didn’t believe it. But it’s true, you are Pisces, you are like that. And now I feel like the luckiest person in the world because you have chosen me. Now the love songs make sense, when I look at you I feel that all the love poems were written for you. And my heart can only surrender at your feet.

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