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3 Zodiac Signs Whose Life Will Change in July 2024

3 Zodiac Signs Whose Life Will Change in July. June was intense with many planets aligned in Gemini, but July brings a more reflective and emotional energy. Between new and full moons, retrograde, and planets changing signs, we will feel a splash of intense but renewing energy. Let’s see which zodiac signs will be most strongly impacted by the alignments of July 2024. These are the 3 signs whose lives will change in July 2024.

In other words, this month is a balance of contrasts: prepare to be bold and expressive, then insightful and analytical, while staying curious and juggling multiple projects without losing focus. Who will live the most intensely in this hectic but thoughtful month of July? Take a look to find out if you’re among the three signs whose life will change in July.


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Cancer, the month of July is to begin to observe the changes you have been implementing and leave the past behind once and for all. We know you are nostalgic, but that quality of yours will not serve you now. With the New Moon in your sign and the Full Moon in Capricorn, your opposite sign, you will have the opportunity to start over being the person you want to be, eliminating any negativity and committing to something or someone that will be very important in your life. Venus in your sign during the first third of the month and the New Moon on July 5 offer you a great opportunity to take care of yourself and your loved ones. This is a good time to set new goals and projects related to what you call home.

As you believe in yourself, take care of yourself, and enjoy your season, you’ll notice very positive changes in how you look that will undoubtedly impact your current relationships and those to come. Pay attention to how you feel on July 5th and reflect on something you discover about yourself that will leave you in shock.

At the end of the month, the Full Moon will help you leave the past behind and move forward into a future in a relationship or several relationships that will mark a new chapter in your life. Remember what exactly you are looking for in your relationships, and don’t let nostalgia keep you in situations that don’t move you forward, and instead, steal your great energy, which you could be investing now in someone new.


Your season is upon us, Leo, and even though you’re almost ready to be the center of attention, take it easy. The Sun spends most of the month in Cancer, giving you time to relax before the whirlwind of events and parties that await you at the end of the month.

July is the perfect month to excel at work, in a personal project, or love. Venus and Mercury in your sign will make you more aware and accessible, so go out and show yourself to the world. You will feel that the muses of creativity and words are with you. Enjoy that expressive side of you because it will help you connect with someone who will attract you a lot.

Be careful during the first half of the month, though; don’t overexert yourself to avoid burnout. You’ll need plenty of energy. July is ideal for socializing, meeting people, and persuading with your charming personality, so treat yourself to a new outfit and enjoy being the star wherever you go. Venus’ energy will also help you balance the give and take in your relationships, strengthening ties with your loved ones and giving you new opportunities in love.


July is a month of reflection, renewal, and action for you, Capricorn. Your ruling planet Saturn began its retrograde motion in late June in Pisces, and you’ll feel this influence too. Take some time to evaluate your next steps before making a life-changing decision. July has a lot of potential for you to renew yourself and start over, especially with the New Moon in Cancer kicking off a new chapter in relationships. Don’t deny yourself the chance to be happy, see that the universe is giving you another chance.

The Full Moon in your sign will allow you to put into perspective who you are and how you present yourself to the world. It’s the perfect time to reevaluate your relationships and expectations, both of yourself and others. Use this time to adjust your Capricorn strategy (it couldn’t be left out) and better understand what you need to motivate yourself and who can offer you the support and structure that you already naturally provide to others.

The influence of Venus and Mercury in Leo can harmoniously support your transformation in terms of power, money, and intimacy (the first two are the ones you like the most, right?). You need to delve deeper into your most intimate relationships to realize where the true joy and pleasure lie. It’s your decision but you shouldn’t hold on to something that sucks your vital energy. If you delve into these topics, you could discover hidden talents or resources that will help you reach even higher than you set out to at the beginning of the year.

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