
Why Narcissists Are Obsessed With Savior Empaths

Narcissists Are Obsessed

Why Narcissists Are Obsessed With Savior Empaths

Empaths are always the givers. The savior empaths, as the name suggests, have an enormous need to save others from their problems. And they do it without wanting anything in return. This is why narcissists are always attracted to them because their conditional bond is always fulfilled by this type of empath.

There are four schools of empaths (Co-Dependent, Standard, Super, and Contagion). There are many cadres of empaths divided among these schools. These include the Carrier, Magnet, and Geyser, which I’ve already written about. Another cadre is that of the savior empath.

The Savior Empath

The job of the Savior’s Empath is to heal and save and ensure that the good prevails. They are the archetypal belief in the idea that there is goodness in every human being. In terms of our nature, Savior Empaths do not hold that we are inherently “evil” or “bad.”

They prefer to hold the view that there is something good hidden within us that just needs to be discovered, unlocked, and freed. Of course, this notion and the dream of addressing this seeming goodness is a very powerful glue that allows us to still hold onto the savior empath. Some of us play with this concept and that is addressed below.

The Savior Empath feels an overarching need to save the world. They want to right the wrongs, heal the sick, care for the injured, and see that injustices are right. This dream is at the heart of the Savior Empath.

A Redeemer Empath is often someone who adheres to a belief system (be it organized religion, karma, paganism, or similar), although lack of such belief does not preclude the person from being a Redeemer Empath, as does belief in a belief system is a hallmark of the Redeemer Empath.

How is this reflected in the individual schools of empathy?

1. Default Empath

The Savior Standard Empath believes he or she must help other people. They donate to charity, help volunteer organizations, and give their time. About the narcissist, this takes the form of responding with empathy and pity to the narcissist’s unusual behaviors (when the empath is unaware that they are being ensnared by a narcissist).

Accordingly, they believe the narcissist to be a “good” person (supported by the narcissist’s illusory behavior during the golden period), and when devaluation occurs, they attribute the behavior to a third-party event rather than they see it as the behavior of the narcissist at work.

The standard empath wants to help the narcissist by trying to understand the abnormal behavior they are observing and offering solutions. The savior-standard empath wants to save the narcissist from the terrifying events or third-party influences that are causing the behavior (e.g., is the narcissist struggling at work, stressed, having problems with money or alcohol?).

The rescuer-standard empath will put themselves in the line of fire if they try to help, but they tend not to view the problem as something related to them, but as another factor to address and overcome want.

2. Super Empath

The Savior Super Empath is something of a caped crusader who springs into action whenever he or she witnesses injustice. They can’t help but get involved, even when it’s none of their business (this is where the narcissistic trait of selfishness comes out).

The rescuer super empath will not turn a blind eye when someone is in trouble, they will help the injured person and then attempt to take action against the offender (or at least hold them accountable through formal channels).

So when the Rescuer Super Empath sees someone being attacked, they assist the victim and attempt to fend off and/or pursue the attacker, either by themselves or with their help. You cannot allow any kind of injustice to go untouched.

The Rescuer Super Empath has a very strong moral compass and when they see something amiss, their mouths water and they take action. Although they always try to help others, holding people accountable for their actions is important to the Savior Super-Empath.

When they see a person queuing, they scold the perpetrator. If they see a person stealing, they will try to stop or report them. The Savior Super Empath firmly believes that good must prevail, whether it’s a situation or a person.

Regarding the narcissist that a Savior Super-Empath deals with, they know that there is a core of goodness in that person, and if they would only try to hug them, let them shine, etc., then such a difference would appear.

They believe that narcissist can make adjustments, change their behavior, and harness their inherent goodness. The savior super empath knows they are a force for good, and they believe the narcissist can do the same.

The savior super-empath recognizes that they are a good person themselves, but that they have a certain level of acuity (their narcissistic traits surface from time to time), and they often see the narcissist in the same light—one person, which, while hot, is inherently good—and that’s what entices the savior super-empath to want to help and save the narcissist.

3. The codependent

Part of the Savior’s cadre, the codependent finds the world horrible and wants to help the downtrodden, succor the injured, and heal the wounds of the injured. They are less concerned with holding perpetrators accountable and more concerned with caring for people huddled and broken in the wake of oppression and violence.

The Redeemer-Codependent is a person who is extremely caring and compassionate—the kind of person who would join Medicins Sans Frontieres and arrive at the scene of a humanitarian catastrophe would do their best to alleviate the suffering of every human being, too when it’s an impossible task.

They are often overwhelmed by the cruelty of the world and despair of their evil ways, but that will not stop them from trying to save every single person who needs help. So does the way they engage with the narcissist.

The Rescuer Co-Dependent (“SCD”) knows and is convinced that the narcissist is a good person at heart and with the right application of guidance, support, compassion, and tolerance will change, improve, and bring out that goodness will.

The SCD will not give up on the narcissist, even if it costs them their own life. They know that redemption is at hand, that improvement is at hand, and they will reach out with a delusional eagerness for any sign of improvement or change in the narcissist’s behavior as proof that their beliefs have not been proven wrong Has.

The SCD will castigate himself for trying to help and heal the narcissist. His emotional thinking and innate dream of doing good, as well as his own need for validation through self-giving, means he or she will keep trying to achieve the impossible.

They will not want to give up, they will see glimmers of hope, scraps of optimism, and fragments of possibilities to reach their goal of saving the narcissist.

4. The contagion

The Savior Empaths (“SCE”) achieve their dream of helping because they find the negative energy, suffering, and misery that accompany human existence to be severe. The dream of saving and dissolving, eradicating the sick, and bringing about healing is different from that of other schools of empathy.

The SCE must achieve this to ensure balance, which is its ultimate goal. By making up for the bad with their saving good deeds, balance is restored and the burdening influence of the negative energy they are feeling—the manifestation of the sorrow, misery, and pain that others are feeling—is removed and no longer falls upon them (even if only temporarily) to the burden.

For a narcissist, removing the dark energy that surrounds and emanates from the narcissist’s behavior has a significant impact on the fine-tuned SCE.

To ease their pain, to avoid being consumed by the darkness they are acutely feeling, the SCE seeks to save the narcissist from his dark self. Similarly, they want to achieve balance with their narcissist or narcissists.

How are these different schools of savior empathy viewed by narcissists?

Of course, as you might expect, the SE is also coveted by narcissists for their empathic qualities, class, and distinctive traits. Accordingly, no narcissist will shy away from ensnaring the SE. However, there are certain schools and cadres of narcissists who particularly desire the SE.

Victim narcissists desire the savior empath because they want to be mothered, cared for, and put out of their (real or imagined) suffering. These narcissists value the SE’s dream of healing and resolution.

Lesser narcissists will not reject a savior empath, but they will not be favored (unless the lesser is in the victim cadre), since the lesser cannot relate to the thought of being healed or saved. before? will be the sneering reply, for their complete lack of self-confidence means they don’t understand that this is the way they must be saved.

Medium narcissists value savior empathy because some medium narcissists like to play the “disturbed soul” or “personal demons” approach.

Despite being unaware of what they are, their awareness that something is wrong coupled with their passive behavior and need for attention means that the mean narcissist truly sees the savior empath as the one who puts them before themselves will rescue them, even if this is only part of the manipulation to bind the rescuer empath to himself.

The Medium Narcissist enjoys being the Redeemer-Empath’s pet project and instinctively plays along, feigning an apparent realization or improvement to sustain the hoped-for glorious redemption that the Redeemer-Empath craves.

The Greater Narcissist will likely prefer other squads, but again, he’s not going to throw the Savior Empath out of bed for eating chips. The Greater One can free himself from tormenting the Savior Empath by increasing the visibility of his dark side, causing the Savior Empath to see a challenge to overcome.

Of course, the savior empath is blind to the fact that the greater one cannot be healed or saved, but that won’t stop them from trying again and again.

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