
Why a man wants to stay friends with his ex: love or manipulation?

Why a man wants to stay friends with his ex: love or manipulation?

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You have a new partner and you are madly in love with him, but you discover his secret.

Indeed, he reveals to you that he is still talking to his ex.

The hell, why does a man want to stay friends with his ex?

Besides, why does MY ex want to keep in touch with me?

To you, that makes no sense.

There are few relationships in our lives harder to deal with than broken romantic relationships.

After all, it’s hard to explain to someone how a person with whom you shared so much love and passion became someone who hurts you so much.

Where has love gone?

How did you become strangers?

Why did hatred and resentment settle between you?

Sometimes you can’t explain things, simply because you don’t know the answers yourself.

Which means you’re confused and lost.

It is then unthinkable for you to build a friendly relationship with your ex.

This is why you have a hard time understanding why an ex wants to stay friends.

And that’s why you wonder why a man wants to stay friends with his ex.

Why does an ex want to stay friends?

Explanation: why a man wants to stay friends with his ex (according to men)


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

We are not going to beat around the bush.

Who better to answer the question “Why does a man want to stay friends with his ex?” ” only men ?

Honestly, we could review dozens of reasons that obsess us.

Women have quite an impressive imagination and sometimes we let our feelings take over.

So we create some pretty crazy scenarios.

That’s why I decided to ask men directly: why does an ex want to stay friends?

And here are their answers.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

1. A man wants to stay friends with his ex because he’s still in love with her.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

This is THE main reason!

She may have broken up with him because she wanted to live more freely or because she found someone better suited to her.

The why of the break is not really important here. Feelings are key.

Besides, your man may have broken up with his ex only to finally realize that she is the perfect person for him.

In both cases, the conclusion remains the same.

A man wants to stay friends with his ex when love is still present and when he realizes that no other can replace her.

2. A man wants to stay friends with his ex because they have the same friends.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

When you spend years together, your friends become his friends. And vice versa.

In short, you build a group of friends that is homogeneous and everyone knows everyone else.

This means that when the breakup occurs, the group of friends is in an uncomfortable situation.

Should your friends choose a side?

Why break this dynamic?

The best solution is to have a heart-to-heart conversation and find common ground so your friends don’t have to make a drastic decision.

So, when he feels good in his group of friends, a man wants to stay friends with his ex for the good of all.

3. A man wants to stay friends with his ex because his family has been great with him.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Just like with friends, family can have a big impact.

So, if his ex had a brother who became very close to him or if his parents welcomed him with open arms, a man wants to remain friends with his ex to continue to have a relationship with these people.

After all, just because the love is gone doesn’t mean the whole relationship is wasted.

Besides, if there has been no infidelity or abuse of any form, this kind of friendship can become really strong.

4. A man wants to stay friends with his ex because he’s polite.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

This woman was part of his life.

At one point, they loved each other more than anything and shared some tough times together.

Your man being nice, courteous and well-mannered, he does not see how he can turn his back on someone who has meant so much to him.

He no longer has any romantic feelings for her, but he wants to stay in touch with her.

So, from time to time, he calls her, invites her for a coffee and checks in on her.

This friendship is completely platonic and it poses no danger to the future romantic relationships of the two ex-partners.

A man wants to stay friends with his ex if he wants her to continue being part of his life, almost like a sister.

For him friendship is sacred and there is no question of drawing a line under all the memories and good times they shared.

5. A man wants to stay friends with his ex out of respect.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

After years together, respect doesn’t die overnight.

Especially when children are involved.

A man wants to stay friends with his ex when it makes wealth management, child rearing, and day-to-day life easier.

It is a form of conduct in good faith.

6. A man wants to stay friends with his ex because he feels sorry for her.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

He feels bad !

He broke up with her and she cried a lot.

He knows that she has suffered a lot because of the separation and he wants to stay close to her to help her move on.

A man wants to stay friends with his ex when he feels like he’s the only one who can mend his wounds and make him smile again.

Just because he’s no longer in love with her doesn’t mean he really doesn’t care what’s going on in her life.

At one point, she made him happy so he wants to reciprocate.

7. A man wants to stay friends with his ex because he wants her to pay!


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Jealousy is a very bad fault.

After the breakup, your darling has surely worked a lot on him.

So maybe he got a better job, he most certainly got bigger and better looking.

In short, he wants to show her that he is a better version of himself and he wants to prove to her that she is the loser in this story.

Now he can have whoever he wants and he chose you because you are better than his ex.

Honestly, this attitude is immature and ridiculous, but very real.

A man wants to stay friends with his ex just so he can say “nah!” “.

8. A man wants to stay friends with his ex out of narcissism.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Oh, the bad word!

If you are unfamiliar with this term, I will explain.

A narcissist gives the impression that he is superior to everyone, but in reality he has low self-esteem, so he manipulates and controls others to get what he wants.

The worst thing for a narcissist is to lose control and see that their ex no longer wants to be in contact with them.

A man wants to stay friends with his ex when he’s narcissistic, because he wants to lure him back into his net.

But not for love!

He wants control back so he can play with her and reject her on his terms.

When can a man stay friends with his ex?


Before asking ourselves why and how, let’s try to understand if there are situations in which a man can legitimately hope to remain friends with his ex.

In the situations listed below, you don’t really have to worry.

Why does an ex want to stay friends? is not a question that should obsess you.

Indeed, if you are dating a man who has a sincere friendship with his former partner, but the following conditions are met, you can rest easy.

You won’t risk catching them under the sheets.

Anyway, let’s hope so!

1. Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me? Your man and his ex broke up because they were incompatible.


If their reasons for breaking up were less toxic and more the result of personal incompatibility, chances are they’ll manage to stay friends, especially if they’ve come to love each other as people.

In this case, it makes perfect sense that they stay friends because they absolutely don’t want to be in a relationship.

They understood that as a romantic relationship, nothing can work between them.

2.  Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me? Your man and his ex wanted different things.

His ex wanted children, while he was only interested in pets.

Her ex wanted to travel and discover the world, while he wanted to settle in a quiet town.

There are good relationships that end naturally simply because the people involved want different things. And none of them naturally want to compromise.

If love was there, but he never wanted what she wanted (and vice versa), they can still be friends.

3. Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me? Before becoming a couple, they were friends for a long time.


Who hasn’t made this big mistake?

Our friendship is great, we should give love a chance.

Pfft, no…

It never works!

If friendship was at the heart of this romance, it will probably always be at the heart of this relationship.

If they broke up without causing irreparable harm to each other, the chances of restoring their friendship are quite real.

Unlike couples who start with seduction and dating (and therefore have to reinvent friendship from scratch), for the two of them, the change was the relationship.

It might take some time for them to transition from love to friendship again, but there really shouldn’t be any problems.

4.  Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me? Neither of them sees any interest in getting the other back.

Barring extenuating circumstances, the only chance your man and his ex will form a real, honest friendship is if both partners have really buried their romantic relationship.

A friendship can only form and grow when two exes aren’t hoping for a romantic reunion, reading hidden meaning in words and gestures, or actively missing out on intimate aspects of the relationship like love.

A good indicator is if they are able to see each other with another person, without it affecting their mental health.

5. Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me? They both set very clear boundaries.


This point highlights each of the above scenarios.

Both partners need to agree on how the friendship works, such as how much calling, texting, and hanging out is acceptable, or what behaviors cross the line.

Everything is in contradiction when one needs more freedom than the other is ready to give.

If two people are not on the same wavelength, they should automatically move on and forget about the friendship box.

When can’t a guy stay friends with his ex?


Well, it’s not “can’t”, but “shouldn’t”.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

It’s only natural to wonder if your guy still has feelings for his ex, constantly talks about her, or enjoys spending time with her.

In the cases cited above, you really have nothing to fear.

Indeed, if your man wants to be friends with his ex, because they both understood that they were good friends, but very bad lovers.

As long as things are clear between them, you shouldn’t feel in danger.

On the other hand, there are situations where having your partner hanging out with your ex can be a warning sign.

If your darling and his ex are in the following situations, you must be really worried.

1. A man wants to stay friends with his ex, but he’s been unfaithful.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Whatever the reason, if one of them cheated on the other and they broke up because of it, chances are they will never get to the point of becoming true friends.

Cheating is a betrayal of trust for most people and no matter what type of friendship your partner and ex are looking for on the spectrum, trust is a non-negotiable requirement.

Sure, they can be lovable (especially when there are kids involved), but true friendship is so much more than that.

In this kind of situation, there is a good chance that they will fall back into each other’s arms at the slightest conflict in their respective couples.

2. A man wants to stay friends with his ex, but there are still negative feelings about the breakup.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

If there’s any residual pain, anger, or resentment about how and why things ended, they’re not ready to be friends.

In any case, not at the moment.

If there is an opportunity to overcome the pain, they should postpone the friendship (which is less important) and prioritize their feelings.

However, if one of them thinks the pain is insurmountable, friendship is not possible.

Anger will erupt again with every “friendly cup of coffee” and it’s probably healthier for them to let go forever.

3. A man wants to stay friends with his ex, but because of her, your partner feels small or inferior.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Whether your ex made you feel like you weren’t smart enough, pretty enough, generous enough, or just plain good enough, you can’t (and shouldn’t) stay friends with someone who’s put you down in your relationship. .

And if your guy thinks it will be different because they’re not intimately involved anymore, he’ll be surprised.

Elements of this toxicity will also creep into the friendship.

He must be proud to have you in his life and he must rebuild himself.

A friendship with her ex could only do more damage.

4. A man wants to stay friends with his ex, but it’s hard for her to accept that your man has found someone else.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Her ex doesn’t like you!

In fact, even before you got into a relationship with him, the mere idea that he could find someone else made him want to vomit.

She can’t handle this situation.

It promises conflicts and arguments in your couple if they remain friends.

Indeed, her jealousy will become so extreme that she will come between you.

5. A man wants to stay friends with his ex, but until your partner met you, they had an on-off relationship.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

In short, they got back together occasionally or they saw each other for love.

This situation, if it continues, is a nightmare for one of the exes who wants to get in a relationship.

Indeed, at the slightest argument, your man will return to the arms of his ex.

Clearly, when you want something serious with a new person, you can’t stay friends with the woman who is your lifeline.

A man wants to stay friends with his ex: the rules to follow to make it work


It’s over, but let’s definitely remain friends!

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Everyone has heard this at least once in their life.

But for this to work, you have to follow a few rules:

1. A man wants to stay friends with his ex if the two no longer have feelings.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

If one of the two still has feelings for the ex-partner, the friendship will fail sooner or later!

2. A man wants to stay friends with his ex if a thorough post-breakup discussion has taken place.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

A friendly new beginning can only work if all common issues are resolved.

3. A man wants to remain friends with his ex if the division of joint property and the clarification of responsibilities have been made.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Do you share a home, do you have an account that you both own, or do you share responsibility for a child or pet?

4. A man wants to stay friends with his ex if both want friendship.


Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

As with any partnership, so does friendship: it takes two to tango!

5. A man wants to stay friends with his ex if they have drawn clear boundaries.

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Too close physical contact, flirting or ambiguous signals are taboo!

When does a friendship fail after a breakup?


Friendships after breakups due to cheating, lying, or abuse are doomed.

The wounds and loss of trust of betrayed people are usually too great.

If, in addition, one of the two still has feelings for the other, no way!

For a post-breakup friendship to work, jealousy must absolutely be avoided.

And here’s how:

1. Reduce fears

Talk to your partner and ask him to introduce you to his ex. An informal meeting to get to know each other can help.

2. Open and Honest Communication

Ask your new partner to tell you if he’s still friends with his ex! Secrets and lies only breed distrust and fuel jealousy.

3. Create clear conditions


Your man must make you understand that you are his number one and that he no longer harbors feelings for his former love!

4. No stories about the ex

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

It is best to hold back with stories and tales about the ex. Dwelling on the past won’t do the new relationship any good.

5. Give your opinion

Why does my ex want to keep in touch with me?

Of course, ultimately it’s up to your man whether he wants to stay friends with his ex or not. Even if you cannot forbid him this friendship, it is important that he asks you what you think of the situation.

Why a man wants to stay friends with his ex: love or manipulation?

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