
What Your Ex Misses Most About You When They Are With Another Person

Your Ex Misses Most About You

What Your Ex Misses Most About You When They Are With Another Person

For better or for worse, we all leave a mark on the hearts of our ex-partners. The thing is, sometimes we mark so much that it’s impossible for our exes to forget us completely. Each personality has its strengths and weaknesses but in love all that is multiplied by a thousand and makes everything more intense. If you want to know what your ex misses the most about you when he is with another person according to your sign, you just have to keep reading to find out:


Aries, what your ex misses most about you when he is with another person is your adventurous spirit and that positive and contagious energy that you have. You are a person with super good vibes. You are always willing to live unique and unrepeatable experiences and that is why they miss you, because of your thirst to live life to the fullest without thinking too much about the consequences. They miss you because they know they will never feel their heartbeat again if they are not by your side. 


Taurus, you are a very familiar person, you care about the people you love the most like no one else in this world. You feel the need to protect your loved ones more than yourself and that is why your ex misses you, basically because you know that no one is going to give him the security that you gave him. Everyone misses you because they know that by your side they can do anything without feeling unprotected. 


Gemini, you are a person with a super open mind. You are super flexible, you adapt to everyone and not everyone does that. This is why your ex misses you when he is with someone else. The feeling of feeling free at all times and at the same time wrapped up like nobody else can only give you. You are that type of person who lives and let’s live and very few people are going to be able to live that by your side. 


Cancer, if there’s one thing your ex misses you for when he’s with someone else, it’s your fascinating imagination. Your strong sense of intuition and your ability to read the intentions of others. He misses being by your side because he could talk about his feelings without feeling judged at any time. Now he is afraid, but it is what it is, you are never going to give him the opportunity to play with your heart again. 


Leo, your ex doesn’t stop missing you when he’s with someone else because you turn everything you touch into gold and he knows that won’t happen to him with anyone else. He misses your sense of humor because it was easy and natural. Your ex misses him because he knows that everything with you was passion and fun and he is sick of not finding that in anyone. Leo, you are unique among thousands and it shows, you leave a mark on the heart of any person. 


Virgo, your tender nature and the fact that you can fix any problem that comes your way is the main reason why your ex misses you when they are with someone else. He misses the ability you have to find the most appropriate solution for each problem because now it is impossible for him to move forward every time one is presented to him, but Virgo, you have not come into this life to solve life for anyone. You have your own life. 


Libra, your easy-going personality and ability to charm anyone you come across is the main reason why your ex misses you when they are with someone else. He knows that by your side things were much easier because you are capable of convincing anyone to get away with it. You have a very special charm that makes everyone like you and that is not achieved by everyone. Libra you are unique and that is why your ex misses you from the first second he left your side. 


Scorpio, your powerful vibe and your magnetic personality are what your ex misses the most when he is with someone else. Your ability to take the initiative is something he needs in his day to day because without it he feels a bit lost and that’s why he misses you so much. Scorpio, you have a fierce energy that everyone admires, you are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to and that is why your ex misses you so much. 


Sagittarius, your optimism, your easy laugh, and your great sense of humor are what your ex misses the most when he is with someone else. You are a super adventurous person and he knows that he will never be with someone who lives in the moment and does not worry about anything else and that is why he misses you. Sagittarius, you are a person who never loses hope and people admire you for it, so be proud and let your ex continue to miss you, do not return to his arms. 


Capricorn, your unwavering independence and the feeling that you don’t need anyone to be happy is the main reason why your ex misses you when they are with someone else. He feels that he will never be able to feel so free and protected at the same time. You are an independent person who loves very strongly when love comes into your life, and not everyone is capable of doing that. 


Aquarius, you are a super creative person, you get carried away at all times and do not think about the consequences of your actions. This is all the reason why your ex misses you so much when he is with someone else. He feels that he has lost the opportunity to live life in a unique way among thousands. He has realized that by your side he was happy and perhaps his heart will never feel any of that again. Aquarius, go your way, don’t give second chances to those who don’t deserve them. 


Pisces, your intense sympathy with everyone and the ability to put yourself in the place of others is the main reason why your ex misses you so much when he is with someone else. He feels that nobody is going to understand him like you did, basically because nobody has shown him more than you. He has realized everything he had, but Pisces, don’t let your guard down because much better things await you than the relationship you had.

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