
What The Signs Will Never Forgive

Never Forgive

What The Signs Will Never Forgive

Forgiveness doesn’t mean the same thing to everyone. Some people see it as a clear sign of having high emotional intelligence, and others see it as just plain nonsense that gets you hurt over and over again. There are two types of people. The person who will find it hard to forgive and will only do it once. And the person who prefers to forgive and forget, because not doing so hurts him more than being angry all his life.

Everyone has a certain level of tolerance, but even those who are willing to put up with anything have a limit. We all know perfectly well that there is something within us that will not allow us to forgive a series of things, specifically one. What the signs will never forgive… Each zodiac sign has a limit that when it crosses, the relationship is over. To find out what it is that will cost you so much to forgive the signs, keep reading, below, we will show you:


Aries can forgive anything they do to them, but not infidelity. It is true that he has the reputation of being a fiery person and this makes him easily annoyed on many occasions. But it is also true that he has a lot of stamina, even if he doesn’t seem like it. Aries is a leader in life, and this makes him make an effort to be tolerant, above all, of people who deserve it.

All this being said, Aries will not accept cheating under any circumstances. Trust is very important in a relationship. He is clear that a union is not real if there is no loyalty, since he is loyal until death. He considers that infidelity breaks with everything, above all, with the trust that had been created, and it will be very difficult to recover it. For this reason, Aries prefers to close the door and never see that person who has betrayed his loyalty again.


Taurus is a being who has his feet on the ground and knows his successes and his mistakes very well. If there is something that he does not forgive, it is that people are not capable of recognizing his mistakes. Taurus is quite mature, so next to him, he wants someone with the same maturity, or even more. He knows perfectly well that in a relationship both people will make a series of mistakes because the human being is not perfect.

The problem comes when the other person flatly denies their mistakes since Taurus knows how to admit it without any problem. Another story is if he has the facility to express it or not, but recognizing them he recognizes them. All this can be quite frustrating for Taurus, but he will try by all possible means to make people recognize their own mistakes. But his patience has a limit. If he sees that you don’t put any effort into saving the relationship, it’s over. He will never want anything back from that person.


If there is something that Gemini does not forgive, it is a closed mentality. He will never be able to be around a person with zero tolerance. For Geminis, respect is above all else. There are thousands of words that can describe you, but closed-mindedness is not one of them, quite the opposite. What Geminis look for in their day to day is to get out of their comfort zone, seeking adventure in their life is something that goes in their nature. He will always be looking for the best, for the best situations in life.

Gemini is one of the most easygoing people in the zodiac and will be able to relate to anyone. But in her life, there is no place for those people who criticize what is “different”. She always thinks that in this life there has to be everything and that each one of us is perfect with our imperfections. Therefore, if you are a person full of prejudices, negativity, and intolerance, you have nothing to do with Gemini, because they will never forgive you.


Cancer will never forgive being the center of jokes. They may like jokes, yes, but when she/he is the victim, they don’t find it funny. He is a very sensitive person and this makes him take things personally. In some cases too personal, since they are simple jokes. But this is because he is tired of being hurt and anything you do to him will be taken as a threat. Jokes are a very important part of relationships, but for Cancer, they can be quite uncomfortable.

Thanks to his intuition, he knows perfectly when a joke is for fun and when it’s mean. Although he doesn’t like them at all when it’s a fun prank, he’ll try to ignore it, but if it’s a mean prank, give up. He will not let you take another step, he will stop you and you will not know where the blow will come from, because just as you like to joke, Cancer likes to surprise you.


Leo has one thing very clear: if you mess with his people, the relationship is over. Fiercely like a lion, he will protect all those dear to him. He has a skin that is quite difficult to break through, no matter how many difficulties come his way, he is always at the foot of the canyon. For Leo, it’s quite easy to recover from any blow, but when it comes to his own, it’s a whole other story.

Leo has a heart that does not fit in his chest, and in it, there is a lot of space for a lot of people. This is why, as much as he falls in love with someone, it does not mean that all those people who are important to him stop being so. Theirs will always come first and there will always be room for them. So if his lover hurts all those people important to Leo, she better run before he finds out, because he won’t have a planet to run on.


If there is something that Virgo does not forgive, it is criticism. This may sound hypocritical since everyone knows that Virgo is the king of criticism of others. But underneath that critical exterior, there is a being full of feelings, which are very easy to hurt. Virgo criticizes people in a constructive way, to help them improve. But many people do not take such criticism very well, and this is because Virgo does not have much finesse when it comes to saying things.

When someone criticizes you for criticizing, the conflict begins. He can’t stand people criticizing meanly, it’s something his mind doesn’t process. He will always try to make people see that this is not the right way to live life. ‘Live and let live’, that’s what Virgo would tell you. but always with constructive criticism. If you criticize Virgo meanly, you are finished.


If there is something that Libra does not forgive, it is being humiliated, especially being humiliated in front of their own. Libra has earned the respect of his people with his calmness and his balance, and it is a reputation that he has to uphold. He is a fair person and does not support injustices, such as being treated as he has not treated you. When Libra is humiliated in front of his family, he sinks, he does not know how to react and this is something that he will never forgive you.

Libra has always been known for the respect they have for people. So, if someone disrespects you and publicly humiliates you, that relationship ends. He can bear thousands of betrayals, infidelity or rudeness, but he will never forgive him if he is open for his loved ones to see. There is nothing that hurts Libra more than his own suffering for seeing him suffer.


If there is something that Scorpio does not forgive, it is a liar, especially if they are a compulsive liar. In a relationship, honesty is something very important, especially for Scorpio. He knows that relationships can become toxic and this is partly due to lies. For this reason, he knows that for a relationship to be healthy there must be honesty and that meets the truth. He always goes with the truth first and expects the same from the other person.

Scorpio’s patience is diminutive when it comes to someone who lies for the sake of lying. He doesn’t understand the need that some people have to not stop lying, whatever the justification, he will never understand it. Scorpio knows that many people hide the truth for convenience. But what the rest of us know is that he will always end up knowing the truth. For this reason, with Scorpio, it is better to go with the truth ahead, because once you lie to him, it is very difficult for him to trust you again.


If there is something that Sagittarius does not forgive, it is being judged. He has always been a nice, friendly, and free being, so he has a fairly high tolerance level. He will always find a way to accommodate all those things that everyone leaves aside. When he falls in love, he loves to give his all to their relationship. Therefore, he will accept all the defects of that person and learn to live with them, without being demanding.

What he expects in return is that they do the same with her/him. For Sagi, it is very important to be free and she can’t stand being judged for everything she does. He is an independent being who loves improvisation and adventure. He won’t stand that I try to stop him, what’s more, if they try, the relationship ends instantly. He won’t mince words and he’s not willing to watch him lose his freedom. Apart from this, Sagittarius is not spiteful at all, and even if it costs him, in the end he will end up forgiving.


For Capricorn, there is nothing worse than having to put their goals aside because of the goals of another. He is an independent being, he is reputed to be afraid to commit to a relationship. But the reality is that he is too focused on meeting all his goals, especially those personal goals that have been on his mind for a long time. Capri can be happy in a relationship as long as the other person agrees to support him in everything.

The problem comes when the other person expects Capricorn to put their goals aside to attend to theirs. He has one thing very clear, and that is that he can put his goals aside for common goals, but he will never leave his own to meet someone else’s. If someone tries to do all this, they can be considered lost because Capricorn will never allow it. He will always be focused on achieving his dreams.


Aquarius will not spend a thousandth of a second with you if you are a possessive person. He is a free soul, he finds no sense in controlling people. We are in the 21st century and society should evolve. Aquarius has one thing very clear and that is that we are not objects to be possessed by someone. He is a person who is capable of managing his life by himself and only associates with people who will improve his life. Believe me, you know very well who are those people who add up and who are the ones that remain.

Aquarius is not possessive at all, so he will not stand someone who is possessive by his side. Such persistent behavior is generally not healthy and you are not willing to experience it. If he sees even the slightest possessiveness impulse, the relationship is over. Aquarius has not come into this world to be trapped and controlled, he has come to live his life his way.


If there is something that Pisces does not tolerate well, it is the aggressiveness of people. If you are the type of person who fixes everything with violence, you have no place in the life of Pisces. He is a peaceful being, full of peace, love, and kindness. He knows that he is not perfect, but he also knows that he has a great virtue, which is that he is not violent at all. Pisces will always be willing to resolve conflicts with a calm conversation full of arguments. In this way, he will be happy, since he will be able to vent that anger in a healthy way.

No matter what situation you may be going through. He will never condone violence whether directed at her or another person. It is something that does not go with her/him and in reality, everyone knows it. If you are this type of person, stay away from Pisces, because she will not forgive anyone who brings bad vibrations to her world. Pisces within the rarity of him has two fingers of the brain and knows that violence does not lead anywhere.

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