
These Zodiac Signs Make A Bad First Impression

Bad First Impression

These Zodiac Signs Make A Bad First Impression

First impressions count, right? If that were true, many of us probably wouldn’t have any friends at all. Fortunately, the first impression is just that: the first of hopefully many. But that doesn’t change the fact that some zodiac signs make themselves unpopular right from the start.

These zodiac signs make a bad first impression:


Aries is determined and direct. That can seem pretty bold to some. In addition, Aries must constantly compete with others and prove that they are better than others. That can be a bit too much at the first meeting and the zodiac sign is quickly labeled as arrogant.


Cancer is very emotional and is strongly guided by his feelings. Whether he makes a good first impression depends a lot on his mood. So sometimes he can come across as pretty grumpy or annoyed. This lack of self-control makes it difficult for the zodiac sign to win people over immediately. But as you get to know Cancer a little better, you realize how loving, loyal, and awesome they are.


Virgo is very disciplined and tries not to reveal too much about themselves right from the start. She wants to build her relationships slowly and first find out who to trust. That’s a very good attitude in itself, but it can come across as cold and reserved at times.


The Taurus is very cerebral and often seems dismissive and judgmental at first. The first impression has nothing to do with the true personality of the Taurus. Because the zodiac sign would do anything for the people they care about.

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