
These Zodiac Signs Have Too High Expectations Of Their Partner

Expectations Of Their Partner

These Zodiac Signs Have Too High Expectations Of Their Partner

Some people have such high expectations of a relationship that their partner can never meet them. However, they do not lower their standards and rarely learn from their mistakes. This quality also often depends on the zodiac sign.

These zodiac signs have too high expectations of a relationship:


Virgo has a perfect image of their partner in their head. But no one can live up to this idea and that is why the zodiac sign often seems disappointed by their counterpart. Even little things make her doubt her whole relationship and she has already destroyed one or the other partner because of it. As soon as they get to know each other, Virgo needs a lot of attention and wants to be taken by storm by her beloved.


Fairytale love, that eclipses even the cheesiest comedy? That’s exactly what Libra wants. The well-read zodiac sign often dives into romance novels and would like to see just as romantic a story in real life. Hardly anyone can meet the high expectations of their relationship. A little more realism would do Libra quite well.


Sagittarius throws himself head over heels into a new relationship. Even after the first date, the zodiac sign is convinced that it has found the right person. That is why Sagittarius often rushes it and tends to narrow down his chosen one. Already at the beginning of the relationship, the zodiac sign has already completely planned the wedding and the common future. That has already put one or the other partner to flight.


Capricorns have high expectations not only of themselves but also of everyone else around them. This zodiac sign expects maximum performance from its partner in particular. His counterpart has to be successful in his professional life, but still spends an incredible amount of time on the relationship. Very few people meet these expectations and quickly feel overwhelmed in a relationship with Capricorn.

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