
These Zodiac Signs Are Constantly Plagued By Negative Thoughts

Negative Thoughts

These Zodiac Signs Are Constantly Plagued By Negative Thoughts

We all know those situations where you just can’t switch off because a thousand thoughts are buzzing around in your head. It becomes particularly exhausting when you are plagued by negative thoughts and always assume the worst. How prone we are to such thought spirals often has to do with our zodiac sign.

These four zodiac signs are definitely among the pessimists among the zodiac signs.


It is extremely difficult for the Scorpio to switch off and not get his thoughts from the hundredth to the thousandth. In his head, he rides a roller coaster almost every day and of course, mainly imagines the worst situations. The scorpion makes an elephant out of every mosquito, he constantly distrusts others and is convinced that everyone is against him anyway. And most of the time his negative thoughts are completely in vain because in reality things always look very different.


Pisces is also among the pessimists in the zodiac signs. They are very emotional and sensitive and of course, this is also noticeable in their thoughts. Because Pisces often misunderstand little things and rack their brains for hours over every statement made by others. It is extremely important to them how they come across to others and they need a lot of validation. No wonder this zodiac sign is particularly often plagued by negative thoughts.


This zodiac sign is extremely skeptical and above all constantly dissatisfied with itself. Virgo is very afraid of rejection and not being enough. That’s why she’s always concerned about herself and what other people think of her. Although she finds this merry-go-round of thoughts exhausting herself, she just can’t break free. In the long run, however, she, unfortunately, stands in her own way.


Capricorns are very career oriented and quite ambitious. Therefore, the opinion and confirmation of others are extremely important to him. He’s constantly racking his brains about what he could change about himself to become even better and “more perfect”. Structure and order are particularly important to this zodiac sign and that is why he always has a very precise plan in mind. And he also thinks through all the scenarios that could go wrong and that he doesn’t want to experience under any circumstances. If something doesn’t go the way he imagined, his world almost collapses. Because it is very difficult for him to deal with change.

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