
These 2 Zodiac Signs Always Fall In Love With Several People At Once

Fall In Love With Several People At Once

These 2 Zodiac Signs Always Fall In Love With Several People At Once

Anyone who knows polyamory knows that it’s only normal to love several people at the same time. Some are unable to do this, but others are perfectly suited.

Whether you can fall in love with several people at the same time depends on the zodiac sign. We found the two who always harbor feelings for multiple people.

1. Gemini

Gemini already finds it difficult to decide which outfit to wear or which dish to choose in the restaurant. He struggled with commitment from birth. This is why many twins are convinced of the concept of polyamory. They can live out their freedoms without feeling guilty about anyone else.

2. Sagittarius

Sagittarius has a hard time in a monogamous relationship. He never really wants to commit himself for fear of losing his freedom and variety. That’s why he’s attracted to a polyamorous relationship because it allows him to escape the boredom of just one partner and throw himself into any adventure.

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