
The First Thing Men Notice in Women, According to a Study

There is one thing that men pay particular attention to in women. Contrary to popular belief, it is not breasts or buttocks. Find out what it is here.

Have you ever wondered what people notice first when they see you? Are they the little dimples at the corners of your mouth or the sparkling eyes? A British study wanted to determine what men and women first noticed in their counterparts. The result will certainly surprise many people.

Study: This is what men pay attention to first

As part of the study, 52 men and women were shown 80 images for five seconds. The direction in which they were looking was recorded in great detail. The images were scenes from action films, romantic films, animal documentaries, or images from paintings.

In the snapshots with people, both looked at the women the longest. The men’s gaze remained on the female faces for a longer period. On closer inspection, it was found that the men looked most intensely at the women’s eye area.

Not only that. In comparison, women were the ones who looked at men’s bodies for longer than their faces when looking at pictures of men. The fact that the cliché that men look at women’s breasts and buttocks first was not fulfilled may surprise some…

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