
Study Reveals Where Singles Most Often Find True Love and Where They Don’t

Are you looking for true love but don’t know where to start? According to the study, this is where you should look first.

“WHERE did you meet?” – A question that causes much silence among friends these days. Once again, you must confess, embarrassed, that you matched via the popular dating apps.But being ashamed of it is complete nonsense. No matter how you get to know each other, what counts is that you are on the same wavelength as the other person and have a good time together.

When asked “Where did you meet?”, many of our friends fall into an embarrassed silence. When it comes to having met their partner on a dating platform, many become very tight-lipped.

Because online dating is full of potential and possibilities that would not otherwise be available to us. This is exactly what an Elite partner study from 2021 shows. It was about how people get to know each other today and what brings most couples together. And there is a clear winner.

More than one in three couples found each other here

For the study, more than 4,000 couples were asked where they met. And this shows that in recent years, friends and acquaintances have had competition as the best place for new love. In the last five years, successful partner searches on the Internet have increased significantly.

One in three couples who have been together between one and five years found each other online (35 percent). The situation is even more extreme for relationships that have only lasted one to three months: almost one in two (43 percent) fell in love online. Of course, it must be recognized that this is clearly due to the Corona crisis. The circle of friends, which was once so promising, is currently in second place (3 months to 1 year: 31 percent, 1 to 5 years: 28 percent).

Psychologist Lisa Fischbach from ElitePartner explains why this is the case: ” Chance is not a helpful matchmaker, as it rarely brings together people who are compatible in the long term. A circle of friends is more successful in this respect: there you meet people from a similar world with a greater overlap in terms of attitudes, values, ​​and interests. ” And that, says the expert, is exactly the principle of dating apps that work with scientific matching.

The big single mistake: Matches rarely happen here

So anyone who is currently mourning the loss of clubs, bars, and restaurants and the complete lack of culture and nightlife is right to be sad, but they are not missing out on a thousand opportunities to meet someone new. Even though you always think so, very few people meet their partner out in the evening. Although 38 percent of singles believe that you can quickly meet someone in bars, clubs, discos, and cafes, in the end only 15 percent of all couples meet in this way.

Before the turn of the millennium, 22 percent of couples fell in love between the bar and the dance floor, but in the last three years, only one in ten have done so.

It is often said that the office is a good place for flirting and looking for a partner. Is that true? Well, it rarely works out here either. Among couples who have been together for more than ten years, 16 percent met at work. Currently, the figure is only 11 to 13 percent. Also not very popular when it comes to matching are places like universities, training centers, or schools. Only one in ten couples find each other here.

Many singles are often very wrong when they think they know the places where they have a chance of meeting their love. According to the survey, 43 percent believe that they can quickly meet like-minded people through a hobby or area of ​​interest, whether it be in a language course, volunteering, or in a football club. But they are seriously wrong: only a paltry seven percent of couples meet in this way.

In the gym or on the tennis court, too, you can soon concentrate fully on your training instead of looking around. Here, the couple rate was only a measly three percent, the same as when traveling. Here, too, only three percent of couples bring a (love) souvenir back from their vacation.

Don’t wait for a chance.

And what about flirting in the supermarket? With a chance acquaintance in the park or on the subway? Here too, 29 percent of singles hope to meet someone and firmly believe it. But here too they are wrong.

Just four percent of couples met through chance encounters. And that was no better in the past when we weren’t constantly staring at our smartphones. The rates were similar here. So we need to give a chance a little help.

What all this shows is that you don’t have to be ashamed of having met through a dating platform. Couples who have found each other this way should be happy and enjoy their love instead of racking their brains unnecessarily. It is not embarrassing to have found each other through online dating, just as Tinder is not just about that.

So: take off the blinders, please. If you want to bring love into your life, then dare to do something, and don’t let old clichés put you off. If you are still alone today and want someone by your side, you should try the top 2 on our list: online and among your circle of friends and acquaintances. With that in mind: open your eyes and let love into your heart!

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