
Signs That Miss Opportunities Because Of Their Indecision

Miss Opportunities

Signs That Miss Opportunities Because Of Their Indecision

Indecision is the worst of thieves, it is the one who takes each of the opportunities that life presents to you like a river. There is a part of you that wants to but doesn’t dare and, that’s when you take refuge in your comfort, it’s much better than jumping into the void without knowing if the parachute will activate or not. But… life is slipping away, you are losing wonderful landscapes by focusing on your insecurities. They are the signs that have everything to shine but for a long time they themselves have become their shadow, signs that lose opportunities due to their indecision:

1.- Gemini 

One day you want, another day you don’t. Sometimes, Gemini, your adventurous part ends up being counterproductive, because you get bored easily and want to change everything from one second to another. Making a decision is synonymous with facing all that terrifies you and you prefer not to. Suddenly the sleepless nights are present, there you are giving one and a thousand turns to the same idea but in the end, you don’t. What is the worst that can happen? Life belongs to the brave, to those who take advantage of today, why do you keep leaving something for tomorrow if it is the least certain thing you have? 

2.- Libra 

A minute of silence for all the times Libra has spent hours and hours mulling over the same issue. The problem is that it is a sign that is always looking for balance. You want to feel like you’re right, and you feel awful when you’re not. If we add to that that you have become the mediator of everything, things get worse, it is very difficult for you to make a decision without first analyzing the pros and cons in detail. Also, you are a very empathetic being, you simply would not forgive yourself for hurting someone, you want to be at peace with everyone, but can you really? 

3.- Sagittarius 

The more adventure, the more emotion, and the more irreverent everything are, for Sagittarius it is better. It is really hard for you to make a decision because you are the one who puts yourself in the hands of the wind and he does what he wants with you. Following strategies is not your thing, on the contrary, you feel that this is synonymous with being tied up and that’s when you start to run away. It scares you to decide the wrong thing, you prefer to discover everything and learn in the moment. Also, you don’t get along with the rules, and deep down you don’t care what happens when you make a decision because you will move on. 

4.- Pisces 

Will it be correct? If there is something that constantly puts you between a rock and a hard place, without a doubt, it is taking a first step in whatever. You are a very sensitive sign and that is the reason why it is impossible for you not to end up hurt in any decision you make. You know that life can change you in a second and you don’t want to feel guilty that you took the wrong path. Also, many times you don’t decide for yourself, you do it with the aim of not hurting others. You put yourself aside in order to please people who are sometimes not even worth it. 

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