
Relationship: When is It Sensible to End a Relationship Despite Mutual Love?

Breaking up despite love? In some cases, this decision can make sense. We’ll tell you when it’s time to go.

Ending a relationship even though you still love each other deeply? A breakup despite love is particularly difficult, but sometimes there is no other way out. The following signs can be good reasons why a relationship no longer makes sense despite love.

1. Trust is lacking

If there is a breach of trust in a relationship, it can take a long time for those affected to recover. Sometimes, however, trust in the partner never returns; instead, mistrust and jealousy remain. Since no healthy partnership can be maintained without trust, it becomes difficult to maintain the relationship.

2. Different visions of the future

As a couple, it is important to look to the future together – ideally with similar ideas. If he wants to get married and have children, but would rather travel the world or dream of a great career, then sooner or later this will become a problem.

Either you find a compromise that all parties are happy with, or a separation is unfortunately inevitable.

3. One-sided love

If one person does everything to make the relationship work, but the other never gives anything back, then there is an imbalance. Unfortunately, there is sometimes some truth in the saying “one always loves more”.

4. Toxic relationship

A relationship or a partner should make you happy and bring out the best in you. If the opposite is the case, you are constantly unhappy or you just keep bickering and arguing, then you should ask yourself whether you want to be in such a relationship.

Separation is not an easy decision and should never be taken lightly.

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