
Leo’s Main Source Of Irritability

Source Of Irritability

Leo’s Main Source Of Irritability

Many things can irritate you. Many people can irritate you. Bad manners, bad gestures, and bad intentions. But what really irritates you a lot and makes you lose that patience that you need so much, are the people who hide something and act as if nothing had happened. The fake people show their pretty faces when there are a lot of people but then are poisoned and dynamite when left alone. This is what irritates you the most, Leo:

Leo, you don’t like people who act from behind, who don’t go in front, who throw the stone and do damage but immediately hide their hands. You can’t with that kind of evil, you can’t stand that kind of bad vibe.

Or that they make you jealous for free, that they play with your feelings, and that they believe that they have the right to leave your heart, extreme situations that not only irritate you but also make you bring out your darkest part. That yes, that you are not an angel fallen from heaven and that you have your little things. That you can also irritate your character and even suffocate anyone with your intensity, but you are not going to kill the bad in that way. You don’t play anyone for free.

You are the lion of the pack who always takes care of others and you know it. But the lion of the pack is always the one who stands out the most and that is your strongest point. Now, as long as you don’t stand out enough, you don’t attract attention as you would like or you are not the center of all the desire in the world, things change. You don’t get in a bad mood because you know that you also have to leave a little for others. And because you also know that deep down you are the star of the zodiac, but that can also irritate you a little bit.

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