
How to know if you have found your soulmate. 15 unusual signs for it

How to know if you have found your soulmate. 15 unusual signs for it

Everyone in this world is searching for their soulmate and while some may admit it, others don’t. But the fact remains the same. However, finding your soulmate won’t always be so straightforward and conventional. Sometimes you will notice certain unconventional signs that you have finally found your soulmate.

Meeting your soulmate doesn’t always come easy as the universe sometimes tests you and your bond to see if it’s the right time for both of you to find each other. So don’t just rely on the simple signs, keep an eye out for the unconventional ones as well.

Here are 15 unconventional signs that you’ve found your soulmate

1. You suddenly broke up.

One of the most unconventional signs that you’ve found a soulmate is when you suddenly or unexpectedly find yourself broken. The thing about soulmates is that they are rarely “happily ever after,” no matter what movies, TV shows, or novels may tell you.

What happens is that sometimes when soul mates first meet, the feelings for them are too deep and intense to absorb and that is why they are pushed to break up with each other for some time . However, soulmates always have a way of finding each other again.

2. They make you feel like a better person.

You know you’ve found your soulmate when you feel like you’re a better person than you were before. They have influenced you and changed you and your life positively in many ways. But sometimes they also end up overtaking your life and it seems overwhelming but don’t take that as a bad thing.

Soulmates are meant to challenge you and help you see your true self, and that’s in no way a bad thing; it shall happen. This helps you accept every part of yourself.

3. You will be reminded of a family member when you see them.

Now this may sound weird and strange, but your soulmate will somehow remind you of a family member of yours. Their quirks might remind you of your father, their personalities might remind you of your siblings, or maybe their way of thinking reminds you of your mother.

Whenever you see them or speak to them, you will feel like you are speaking to a member of your family. But never in an inappropriate and creepy way, but in a very familiar and emotional way.

4. You just “knew” before you found her the first time.

The first time you found your soulmate, you might not have felt the spark right away. You might not have guessed that okay, this person is The One. It will appear like a normal date with good conversation and good company. But there is something about this person that draws you to them.

And later you realize that deep down you always knew that you found your soul mate. You may not have understood it at first, but when you look back you feel like somewhere you always knew.

5. You showed them the darkest side of you.

You know you’ve found your soulmate when you show them your darkest side. Your true soulmate has seen every part of you, the good, the bad, and the worst. That’s the thing about having a soul mate, they will always bring out the real you, even the bad.

Don’t see this as a bad thing, see it as a meaningful thing. The fact that you are able to be your real self in front of them, not suppress any of your feelings, and not have to pretend to be someone else to make them happy, those things come with it, in a to be real relationship.

6. You feel like you’ve known each other forever.

This is one of the biggest signs that you have finally found your soulmate. When you see and spend time together, it feels like you’ve known and loved each other forever. Sometimes you can even think why did it take so long to meet you.

It feels like your heart is finally at peace and your world is complete.

7. You find uncanny connections when it comes to dates.

Were you both born exactly 6 months apart on the same date? Did you find each other on your father’s birthday? Were you both born in the same hospital and did the same doctor deliver you?

When you stumble upon such strange synchronicities when it comes to the important dates in your life, consider it one of the unconventional signs that you may have found your soulmate.

8. You had cryptic, mysterious dreams before you found them.

One of the strangest things you might experience when you find your soulmate or are about to meet your soulmate is that you have mysterious and cryptic dreams about them. Chances are that at that moment you don’t understand what the dreams are about and you won’t be able to place the person or what they look like.

But when you finally find your soulmate, everything will make sense and you will understand what those dreams are all about and why you dreamed about them in the first place.

9. You have a gut feeling they might be coming.

You’ve never been into one-night stands, infidelities, or hanging out with multiple people at once. You were always looking for the one person to be with and never wanted to be in a relationship just to have a partner.

Because somewhere you felt like it was only a matter of time before you found your soulmate. And that’s why you’ve never wasted your precious time in meaningless relationships.

10. You found each other when you were younger and got back together when you got older.

It’s not always that when you meet your soulmate for the first time, everything will magically fall into place. You might have met as children, or when you were in school together, but lost touch over time.

But as you get older, you just bump into them one fine day, and it’s like nothing’s changed over the years. They don’t feel like strangers, and the growing bond and conversations between the two of you flow effortlessly.

11. You see something in their eyes.

When you look into her eyes you see things you’ve never seen in anyone else; it is as if your two eyes were meant to look into each other and understand each other. Her eyes speak a thousand words to you, and for you her eyes carry the whole universe within them.

Their eyes tell you and show you things that are undefinable to others, but it makes perfect sense to you. every time

12. You can sense their feelings even if you’re not an empath.

You just know when something is wrong with them, be it emotionally, physically or spiritually. Most of the time, you know exactly what’s bothering them without them having to tell you.

One look at her and you know what’s going on. Well, that only happens when someone is your soulmate, and not just anyone.

13. You share strong chemistry with each other.

You share a chemistry that you’ve never shared with anyone before; it’s like the two of you are the two missing pieces of a puzzle meant for each other, and in the end the puzzle is complete. Outsiders will take one look at both of you and they will know how intense your feelings are for each other.

Interestingly, you never had to go through the application and waiting stages; the moment your paths crossed you knew you were meant to be together.

14. You feel like you’ve found your “home” in them.

Home is that place or person that you want to return to again and again and that serves as a safe place for you. No matter what happens in your life, they are the ones you always find your way back to and they are always there for you.

When you’re with them, nothing else seems to matter and every bad thing seems to feel a little less bad. Every painful thing seems to feel a little less painful. And all the things you fear seem a little less scary.

15. You know there will never be another.

You can love others and be in a relationship with other people. You can live your life happily with others and make good memories, but somewhere deep in your heart you feel like you shouldn’t. And that’s just not the same.

It’s not about forcing a relationship to work, it’s about having faith and waiting for it to turn out the way it’s supposed to. The universe always has a way of putting everything in its place, but only if you let it.

So these are all the unconventional signs that you’ve found your soulmate? How many have you met to date?

How to know if you have found your soulmate. 15 unusual signs for it

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