
Finding the Right One Looks Like This

Find The Right Person For You

Finding the Right One Looks Like This

Do you believe in soul mates?

Honestly, I’m not sure I can say for sure that I believe in it. Besides, I don’t believe in twin flames either.

These concepts seem too rigid to me. We are dangled with this mythical story where we are supposed to find our other. The other part of our soul or a soul that complements ours.

I don’t know about you, but I don’t need a man to complete me. I don’t need a person to have balance and harmony in my life.

On the other hand, I believe that there is indeed a man, whom we can call “the good one”, who corresponds to us perfectly. Someone whose past parallels ours.

A man whose future is in perfect compatibility with ours. And especially someone whose present marries with the life we ​​lead.

There is no “meeting a soul mate at the right time” or “recognizing at first sight”. It’s just two people finding each other and growing together.

No one is supposed to be the other’s “teacher” and no one is there to give existential guidelines to our lives. We can manage on our own, thank you!

But “the good” is something else…

Your ideal partner is this man who will be present at your side when you succeed. When you get a promotion, when you realize your dream, or when you’re just happy.

“The good one” is also someone who doesn’t run away when you have a problem. When you are sad, he is there! When you’re depressed or broken inside, it helps you pick up the pieces of your body or mind.

Your ideal man knows all your annoying habits and accepts and loves you, despite everything. Or maybe he even loves you more because of them.

He knows what you like, even the things you’re not very proud of. Do you like watching Plus belle la vie? Well, he is watching with you! And he never makes fun of your burning passion for the couples on the show.

This man supports you and even encourages you to express all your emotions, even if they seem trivial or exaggerated. For him, it is important that you feel comfortable and confident.

This man even calls you in the middle of your workday because he just wants to hear your voice. And after a long day, he never fails to send you a sweet message.

Even if he is exhausted… Even if he is stressed… sex remains his priority!

And very importantly, your ideal partner brings added value to your life. Indeed, it encourages you to use all your potential and it inspires you to become better.

On days when you think you’re not worthy or don’t have the strength to show yourself to the world, your darling reminds you how strong you are and how much he and the rest of the world need you.

“The good” is not the man who comes into your life at the right time. It’s not one you’re going to miss if you’re not the person you’re meant to be.

No, it’s the man who accepts you as you are at the precise moment he meets you. With him, you are not supposed to become better or different.

The truth is that together you will truly grow. But like you would have grown up with any other person. Sometimes you learn a lot from being in a toxic relationship, for example.

“The good” is simply the one who makes you understand that you are perfect in your imperfections. That you don’t have to change because, to him, you are exactly who you are meant to be.

Yes, with him, you will evolve. But it’s not thanks to him. Thanks to you. You see when you have a person by your side who thinks you are perfect just the way you are, you want to honor them.

You want to show her that you can be even better. But this desire comes from you… This desire to work on your personal development comes from you.

So never let anyone tell you that you need a man to be happy or fulfilled.

Alone, you are great… Together, you are extraordinary!

“The good one” is not the miracle meeting that will make you become the woman you have always wanted to be. It is simply the encounter that will open your eyes to your full potential.

Together you will change. You will adopt each other’s habits. You will find operating mechanisms that are unique to you.

And you’re going to find a language of love that only the two of you understand. This is where the richness of this wonderful romantic relationship lies.

In the eyes of the other, you discover who you are. But it’s not him who helps you become the person you’ve always wanted to be. It is indeed you!

So don’t listen to people telling you, “When you meet your soul mate, you will know it”. All of that is just rubbish. The truth is that “the good” will seep into your life without you realizing it.

Besides, you may already know it! Just open your heart to love. And open your eyes, because it is in your worst moments that your ideal man will appear.

He will stand firmly on his own two feet and look you straight in the eye. Then, he will tell you “I want to be by your side”. And there, you will understand that “the good” was there for a long time.

Because this man will be the exact reflection of the energy that you release…

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