
Excuses Don’t Mean Anything: It’s the Actions That Count

Excuses Don't Mean Anything

Excuses Don’t Mean Anything: It’s the Actions That Count

If someone apologizes for mistreating you, only to do it again, their apologies mean nothing. These are just empty words. And it is above all, a beautiful proof of immaturity.

To be mature is above all to be able to recognize one’s faults and to work to redeem oneself. 

So above all, never be sorry for walking away from someone who hurts you, seems remorseful, and apologizes, only to end up doing it again.

You are within your rights. You don’t have to suffer repeated abuse from someone.

We all make mistakes, it’s human. But one thing is certain, someone who truly loves you will do whatever they can to make up for their mistakes.

Someone who loves you won’t be able to stand there in front of you and pretend nothing has happened.

Someone who loves you can hurt you once, but not twice. Hurting the person you are in love with is unbearable and always will be.

As Dalida so aptly put it “words, words, words”.

Words come easily, but actions are more important. It’s easy to say something without meaning it.

The man in your life will certainly not be perfect. And mistakes he will make.

But there’s one major difference between a toxic guy who doesn’t deserve you at all and a good guy who’s decided to give you his heart: the latter will do whatever he can to become a better man.

Some will only apologize to you because they know that’s what you want to hear, because it’s the easiest way to close the topic, or because they feel uncomfortable after being caught red-handed.

And in the moment, their tears may be sincere, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that person will start treating you like you deserve the next day.

Unfortunately, people don’t change. Or at least they rarely change, in the long run.


If you’ve been living with a man who’s been abusing you (in some way) for months or years, trust me, he’s unlikely to ever change.

The manipulators have a very well-established strategy. After a mistake, they apologize and adopt a ‘redemptive’ attitude. They become very soft.

They spend more time with you. They make you feel like you’ve truly changed. But it never lasts long…

As soon as you let your guard down again, they go back on the attack and go back to what they always were.

So when faced with excuses, always exercise caution and be wary.

Because you shouldn’t give a second or third chance to someone who doesn’t deserve it.

You don’t have to question your values, your principles, or your requirements to keep someone in your life who doesn’t belong there.

You don’t have to stretch the stick to get beaten!

You should only accept an apology from someone you know is sincere.

From a person who, you can be sure, really wants to work on themselves and make amends.

Again, if you’ve been treated the same way and given the same apologies dozens of times, hope no more…

This person will not change, no matter how many times they tell you ‘ This time I will change ‘.

You need to trust yourself. You need to realize your value.

You deserve more than a man who apologizes, only to start hurting you again.

You deserve much better than a selfish partner. You deserve a man whose apologies spark change. A man who when he says “I’m sorry” means it to you.

Being sorry isn’t just saying a few words, it’s acting on them.

Remember, apologies don’t mean anything: it’s the actions that count. 

Saying “I love you”, saying “I’m sorry” or saying “That was the last time, I promise you” is the easiest thing in the world. But changing your attitude, working on yourself, and treating others as they deserve is much more difficult.

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