
According To Your Sign, What Is Making You Come Down Lately

Come Down Lately

According To Your Sign, What Is Making You Come Down Lately

We all have moments of a maximum slump, things as they are. And now, the truth is that we have them more than ever. Mercury retrograde is approaching and the shadow is already doing its thing. Most people are having that general feeling of low spirits and hope for the future. Mess, come on. It is true that some signs carry it much better than others. What is it that is causing you to come down lately according to your sign?


Without a doubt you have been too pessimistic Aries, you have been down because you feel limited on all sides. And you need to go out, go in, socialize… Being negative is the worst thing that can happen to you because you don’t tolerate that feeling well. Restrictions and limitations do you more psychological damage than anyone else. And this, in the end, distracts you from everything else. 


You have the desire to escape from everything that is not normal, and until recently you had not made a single Taurus decision. You were like blocked with everything, something stopped you and made you stay in the same place, even knowing that it was not right, that you were not progressing, and that on top of that, you were somehow unhappy. But you are Taurus, and in the end, even if it costs, you move. Look for the light and the exit to all that whatever. And think a little about yourself and your future. 


Despite the fact that you try to be positive or always look at the “good” side of everything, this pandemic is taking you to limits that you didn’t even know about. Boredom is slowly killing you and the apathy of others, too. In addition, you who analyze everything, do not find common sense in certain decisions that are being made, so you come down further. Your environment doesn’t help…


You were going through a moment of uncertainty. You know that not everything has been going well for you and no matter how easy you were, it seemed that Cancer was not coming out. Maybe it’s time to be a little tougher with everything, to stand “firm” in some way, and to fight for what you know belongs to you. If you don’t ask for it, no one will. So you already know. 


What has been distracting you from everything lately is having no idea what is going to be in your life. Of course, you live in the moment and within the bad, you are always looking for an alternative to have a good time. But sometimes everything is done uphill. You have goals and you don’t know how you’ll be able to reach them if this isn’t fixed. And the worst thing is that now, there aren’t many alternatives either… At least you try to find a way to laugh every day, even if it’s just a little bit. 


You drag things from the Virgo past and on top of that since now you can’t escape anywhere, everything accumulates. And there are people who don’t help too much either, so it all comes together. Try to focus on things that are now in your hand. You want to travel, you want to go out, you want to oxygenate yourself from all this now. But since it is not possible, the solution or at least something that will help will be to try to live in the present, try to prioritize, and not be overwhelmed by what comes. It is clear that it sucks to live without a plan, even a small one, but now more than ever, life is putting you to the test and you have to be able to live up to it. 


Sometimes you have a strong desire to escape, to leave everything, to start from scratch. But it is not possible, and less now. That is what has brought you down lately… And above all, feeling so limited by everything around you. For this reason, giving up is also okay at Libra moments. And let it all happen without having to fight it. 


If there is something that has made you break down, it has undoubtedly been the fear that you have that things will not work out for you, Scorpio, that your plans will not work, and that everything “invested” will go to waste. The truth is that worries leave you very touched and you almost fall asleep at times. Sometimes you don’t have to think so much Scorpio, but sometimes you also have to fail to learn. And nothing happens. The Sun will continue to rise everyday and life continues the same. With your worries or without them. 


This time ago you have remembered the step a lot, and that is precisely what has made you come down so quickly. You had a damn life, goals, illusions, and a lot of hope, and now? Well, everything seems to fall apart at times. But remember that you are possibly the sign with the most optimism within you. Remember that you have the power to transform a messy day into the best day in the world for others, now you just have to apply it to yourself Sagi. 


If there is something that has made you collapse this time ago, it is undoubtedly a toxic person who wants to see you sink. You are very strong and the truth is that rarely have you been paralyzed by someone but sometimes, there are people whose main objective is to undermine the morale of others, and unfortunately, you have found someone like that. Care. 


What has made you come down a bit these days has undoubtedly been a lack of self-confidence/or because of things that have come unexpectedly and when you least thought they would come and have turned everything upside down. Such is life many times Aquarius, it does not warn of anything. Ask, do not stay with the desire for anything. Be yourself and find your path. 


What’s been pulling you down lately is that incessant worry about Pisces’ future. You go over and over everything, you are afraid of not being able to return to your previous life, of not being who you were one day… And it is so frustrating… Try not to get too overwhelmed and live in the present moment. New illusions will arrive, it always happens. Even from the worst, there is always something good prepared for you. 

What is it that is causing you to come down lately according to your sign? You already have the answer, now you just have to get to work on it.

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