
According To Your Sign The Reason Why It Is Hard For You To Say I Love You

Hard For You To Say I Love You

According To Your Sign The Reason Why It Is Hard For You To Say I Love You

Saying ‘I love you’ is something that has crossed our minds at some point in our lives, but it is not as easy as it seems. There are people who find it much easier to share their feelings than others, but what is true is that something as strong as an “I love you” costs everyone to some extent. If you want to know the reason why it is difficult for you to say I love you according to your sign, you just have to keep reading:


Aries, you are a brave person, there is no doubt about that, there is nothing in this world that can resist you. When you get something into your head, you don’t stop until you get it. The problem you have when expressing your emotions. Saying I love you are big words, and the truth is that it is hard for you to say it because you are afraid of losing all that freedom you have right now. Don’t be a coward and be faithful to that brave essence that you have. 


Taurus, it takes a long time for you to let someone into your life because you don’t even trust your own shadow. Of course, your feelings can become the purest and truest of the entire zodiac. The thing is, it’s really hard for you to say I love you because you don’t want to look stupid. You prefer that it is the other person who says those words first and then you follow him. In that aspect, you prefer that others take the initiative. 


Gemini, you have never lost when it comes to saying the right thing. You take everything you say very seriously and that’s why it’s hard for you to say I love you. Your words are always full of truth and you will never say I love you if you don’t really mean it. You are afraid to say those two words and that the other person will not reciprocate because that means that you are going to suffer once again. Do not be afraid Gemini, the one who does not risk does not win. 


Cancer, you are quite a romantic and the whole world knows it. You love the feeling of being in love and having someone who cares for you by your side. You are very good at expressing everything you feel, and you have no problem sharing your feelings with others, but it is difficult for you to say I love you because you do not want them to play with your heart again. They’ve already played a lot and you’re not about to let them walk all over it again. 


Leo, you have always been the center of attention, all eyes are on you because you have an overwhelming personality. You love having the feeling that you can conquer anyone and you never want to lose it. It is hard for you to say I love you for fear of losing your freedom, you know that expressing what you feel has both good and bad consequences and you don’t know if you want to be aware of them. 


Virgo, you have never been one to express what you feel open. You are a hermetic person, you prefer to keep your things to yourself before sharing them with others because you know that if you do, someone will try to take advantage of you. It is difficult for you to say I love you because you rarely feel it and you are faithful to your thoughts and feelings. You will never say something you don’t think or feel. That’s how it is and whoever doesn’t like it already knows what to do. 


Libra, you are a super sentimental person. You love being surrounded by love, no matter what kind it is, but you like to feel loved and love others. Of course, it is very difficult for you to open up completely and say what you feel because you don’t even know it yourself. It’s hard for you to say I love you because you’re not sure if you really mean it or not and you’d rather shut up than get your hopes up for someone. You don’t like to hurt anyone. 


Scorpio, you have always liked to play the mystery game. You will never let others know you completely. You are happily creating a mystery because you know that this way everyone will be left wanting and they will come back to try to get to know you a little more. It’s hard for you to say I love you because you think that’s how you take the fun out of life. You are more than proving it with facts because you know that words are carried away by the wind. 


Sagittarius, you are a free and independent person. You always do what you want, you don’t like to explain yourself to anyone because you like to live at your own pace. It is difficult for you to say I love you because you know that deep down that means that you are “committing” to someone in a certain way. You are afraid of losing your freedom, but Sagi, expressing what you feel for a person will never take you away from being free. 


Capricorn, you are a strong and responsible person. You like to do things well and that’s why it’s hard for you to say I love you. You don’t like to talk too fast, you prefer to reflect and analyze everything that happens inside you before saying words that you may later regret. You don’t want to deceive anyone and you prefer not to say anything to say things that you may never feel or feel, and that honor you. 


Aquarius, emotions are something very serious and you know that you cannot speak lightly about them. You are a free spirit and you always go to your ball. Everyone thinks you don’t have feelings for that cold and distant side of you, but you do, and they’re more intense than they think. It’s hard for you to say I love you because you’re afraid that someone will take advantage of it to hurt you. You don’t want to suffer and that’s why you prefer to keep quiet. 


Pisces, you are a person who does not mind receiving love from anywhere. You love the idea of ​​having someone by your side. You love the feeling of having butterflies in your stomach. Of course, they have hurt you a lot and you are tired of sharing your feelings to suffer as no one else has. It’s hard for you to say I love you because you’re sick of being the one to make the first move. It’s time for others to show what they’re made of.

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