AquariusAriesCancerHoliday'sScorpioTaurusValentine's DayVirgoZodiac

According To The Zodiac Sign: This Film Suits Your Valentine’s Day

Film Suits Your Valentine's Day

According To The Zodiac Sign: This Film Suits Your Valentine’s Day

Already have plans for Valentine’s Day? How about a classic movie night? We have collected the right films for your zodiac sign.

Because not everyone needs a love film on the day of love!

Aries: Magic Mike

Aries gets a real boost in self-confidence in February. They always get the feeling that people see them with different eyes now and they enjoy the limelight to the fullest. As a result, Aries finally focus on themselves and take their own needs more seriously. That’s why Valentine’s Day should also be all about her pleasure – to be precise, a few enjoyable moments with Channing Tatum.

Taurus: Dirty Dancing

The assigned Tauruses are absolutely on cloud nine this year and feel more secure in their relationship than ever before. So it’s no wonder that they have a corresponding need for real kitsch. And what screams more kitsch than the moment Baby leaps into the arms of her beloved Johnny?

Gemini: La La Land

The twins have been plagued by some uncertainties lately. They ask themselves what they still want to achieve and doubt whether they made the right decisions. But making mistakes is part of it and not every relationship has a happy ending. Hardly any film shows this as beautifully as “La La Land”.

Cancer: Bridget Jones

Cancers spend this Valentine’s Day with a lot of crushes. Be it the sweet co-worker, the cute ticket-taker in the museum, or the crush that lasts for months, to whom they just don’t want to confess their feelings. It’s going to be an emotional Valentine’s Day – and nothing helps better than a “Bridget Jones” marathon!

Leo: Sweet Home Alabama

This year, the lions celebrate Valentine’s Day with all the clichés they can think of. Because they just can’t get rid of their rose-colored glasses and see only love everywhere. Accordingly, a lot of kitsch is needed in the film selection. “Sweet Home Alabama” really covers every facet of the lovers’ festival for the dear lions.

Virgo: Scream

Virgos need one thing above all this Valentine’s Day: distraction. Because all the turbulence in terms of love has just kept them too busy lately. You need a focus again and set yourself new goals! The last thing they need is cheesy romance. So a very drastic alternative program follows with “Scream”!

Libra: The devil wears Prada

Above all, Libras celebrate self-love this Valentine’s DayBecause in 2023 they will learn to focus on themselves and make decisions with confidence. It also means becoming more independent. After all, you don’t always have to be on a date on Valentine’s Day. Personal development is much more important. And hardly anyone shows that as well as Andy in “The Devil Wears Prada”.

Scorpio: Cinderella

The scorpions are in fairy tale mode. Whether in a relationship or not: they dream of Prince Charming, the XXL wedding, and the big romantic gesture. Dreams and desires that they have secretly had since early childhood are now becoming more and more present. So on Valentine’s Day, we’re going back to the roots in terms of film technology and it’s time for a little Disney magic.

Sagittarius: And the groundhog says hello every day

Today is a day like any other for the shooters. Because Valentine’s Day simply doesn’t have the same importance in her love life as it did a few years ago. They’ve settled into their relationship, they’ve gotten used to the daily grind and it doesn’t bother them at all. Appropriate to this is “Groundhog Day” because the shooters can identify with this film classic.

Capricorn: The Farewell

It will be a very emotional Valentine’s Day for Capricorns. Because some feelings have been building up in the sign of the zodiac for a long time, which it now finally wants to let out. And what better way to do that than with a film that makes you cry? You really can’t go wrong with “The Farewell” in that regard. So: handkerchiefs out and let’s go!

Aquarius: Friends with benefits

Love awaits Aquarius this February, surprising the sign of the zodiac. Sometimes it’s an unexpected declaration of love, sometimes it’s a marriage proposal that you didn’t expect. Especially the single Aquarians will learn in 2023: Love really can be anywhere. Maybe “Friends with Benefits” is a little inspiration for that

Pisces: 30 overnight

Pisces dedicates Valentine’s Day to nostalgia. Because they suddenly realize that an old teenage heartthrob might still be interesting, or that an ex-relationship could reignite. And what helps with those nostalgic feelings better than a time-travel movie? Right, nothing! Of course, there are also bonus points for the soundtrack, which you just HAVE to sing along to!

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