
8 Types Of Love You Will Meet In Your Lifetime

8 Types Of Love You Will Meet In Your Lifetime

What are the types of love that correspond to you the most? How do you know what kind of relationship you are in?

Love makes you addicted! And, as a human being, it’s hard to say “Stop”. Indeed, we never have enough and we always ask for more.

The hormones released by your brain when you feel love give rise to euphoria and other positive feelings.

This is why it is so difficult to end a romantic relationship. The lack sets in!

Moreover, since there are 8 types of love, one may feel that one is always under the influence of this intense feeling.

We tend to believe that love only exists between two romantic partners. But, it is completely false!

Human beings experience 8 types of love in their lifetime. And, these different types of love are manifested in family, friendship and romantic relationships.

So what kind of love are you living? And, above all, what is its catalyst?

You may ask me what a love catalyst is. Simply put, it’s something that triggers a reaction simply by its presence.

The catalyst of love is part of you and allows you to live an experience with much more intensity.

The duality of love.


They say love makes the world go round. But, is this really the case? Is it really a feeling that always creates warmth deep within your being?

Or, can love create problems within your relationship? The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Indeed, each of us has had our share of disastrous romantic relationships and we might be tempted to say that love is complicated.

But, I don’t think that’s true. People complicate love! Thus, our selfishness and our need to push others to understand us create tensions within a couple.

And, I believe that the best way to understand what a healthy relationship looks like (love, friendship, family) is to understand the difference between the different types of love.

Everyone gives and receives love in their own way. Also, some people are much more receptive to experiencing certain types of love than others.

How could one describe the different types of love?


As different types of love have their own catalyst, they do not affect us in the same way.

The ancient Greeks studied the phenomenon of love and noticed that each of these types of love has its own characteristics.

Moreover, according to them, there are 8 types of love that EVERYONE experiences during their life. Let’s discover their description together.

Agape : selfless love


Agape is the most beautiful kind of love you can give. Indeed, it is given without any expectation or expectation.

In fact, you don’t expect anything in return. You make the decision to share love in any circumstance.

Even in destructive situations! Agape is not a physical act but rather a proof of self-love.

The catalyst for love is the spirit since it enables you to create a purpose far greater than yourself.

It pushes you to be kind to others. This type of love feeds on your ability and willingness to devote your life to improving the lives of others.

So, you need to be mindful of the good you are doing for the people around you. In short, you must offer your time and attention to someone else.

Philautia : self-love


Philautia is a healthy self-love where you are able to recognize your personal value and needs.

Thus, you refuse to ignore your desires. Self-love begins with recognizing your responsibility for your well-being.

It is difficult to determine the different types of love because you cannot give what you do not have.

So you know you have to start loving yourself if you want to have healthy friendships, family, and love relationships.

The catalyst for love is the human soul. Indeed, it allows you to reflect on your necessary needs and your mental, physical and emotional health.

To allow Philautia to grow, you must create an environment that nurtures your well-being.

So take care of yourself like a parent would take care of their child. And, spend as much time as possible with the people who support you.

Storge : familiar love


Storge is one of those types of love that happens naturally. Indeed, it is innate between parents and their children.

But, it can also exist between two people who consider each other best friends.

This infinite love is based on the acceptance of the other and on a deep emotional connection. For example, in the parent/child relationship, this love is immediate and easy to maintain.

The catalyst for love is memories. Indeed, these encourage you to create a lasting relationship with another individual.

And, creating new memories, the value (importance) of your relationship grows.

Storge asks for sacrifices. Indeed, you must sacrifice your time, your selfish pleasures and even yourself.

You must be able to easily forgive even the most painful acts, so that you can share unforgettable and meaningful moments.

Pragma : lasting love


Pragma is one of those types of love that gets stronger over time. Indeed, over the years, it matures.

It’s an enduring love between two romantic partners who have both chosen to put in the effort to make their romantic relationship work.

To know this type of love, personal investment and dedication are necessary. 

In fact, instead of falling in love, you stay in love. You have your feet firmly planted on solid ground and your partner is standing by your side. For all time…

The love catalyst for lasting love is the subconscious. Indeed, it attracts partners to each other. This feeling is completely unconscious but it always seems to have a higher purpose.

This type of love is manifested by the desire of both partners to strengthen their bond over the long term.

Indeed, the couple works together to build a bright future and to prove to each other that personal investment is indeed present.

Philia : emotional love


Philia is love without romantic attraction. Indeed, it represents an emotional love shared by friends or members of the same family.

This affective love is born thanks to the respect that two people have for each other. Moreover, in general, these two individuals have similar values.

Very often it is also called Philia , brotherly love. The love catalyst for this type of love is the spirit.

Indeed, your mind articulates the necessary information. Thus, it tells you which friends are on the same length as you and whom you can trust.

Affective love is demonstrated through qualities that are considered altruistic.

So you need to be open and trustworthy. A person who supports their friends in difficult times and who is able to engage seriously in an important conversation.

Ludus : mischievous love


Ludus is childish love or flirtation commonly found in the early stages of a romantic relationship (the honeymoon phase).

This love consists of teasing games like jokes, laughter or bickering between two people.

Even though Ludus is mainly present in young couples, partners who have been together for a while may also find it playful.

The love catalyst for this type of love is emotions. Indeed, thanks to them, you feel lightheaded, excited, interested and involved in your relationship.

The best way to show that kind of love is through flirting and light talk.

By spending time together, you have fun and laugh as if you were still children.

Eros : romantic love


Ah! Eros is the primary love that comes as a natural instinct for most people. In fact, it is a passionate love that is proven by physical affection.

Romantic behaviors of this type of love are cuddling, or holding hands.

Although there are many other manifestations of this love, these are the main ones. In short, here love is the desire for the physical body of another person.

The love catalyst for Eros are hormones. Indeed, they fan the fire deep in your being and to calm this ardor, your romantic partner must be tender.

This love is noticeable by the obsession you may have for another person’s body. It manifests itself through touch and physical contact.

Romantic affection is the key to the success of this type of love.

Mania : obsessive love


This type of love can be dangerous. Indeed, it can lead you to possessiveness and jealousy. However, these are two key elements that will lead you to the cataclysm.

Mania is mainly found in romantic relationships where an imbalance reigns, that is, when one of the partners is more in love than the other.

Besides, it is the disharmony of Ludus and Eros that leads to Mania .

On the other hand, if in your couple there is a healthy balance between romantic love and mischievous love then you can avoid the obsession engendered by this type of love.

The survival instinct is the love catalyst of Mania . Indeed, it pushes you to desperately need your partner in order to have good self-esteem.

But, manic behaviors can be avoided if you are able to recognize a possessive or obsessive habit before you act.

So you have to learn to focus more on yourself, rather than your partner. In short, you must have confidence in your relationship.

 8 Types Of Love You Will Meet In Your Lifetime

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