
5 things happy couples know about social media

5 things happy couples know about social media

If you look a little closely, you’ll see that couples who are truly happy together never post much about their relationship on social media. Why do you think that is?

It’s natural to want to share photos and updates from those you love. Many of us look at happy couples online and compare and wonder if their relationship is happier or deeper than ours. However, a Northwestern University study found that people who post excessively about their partner on social media feel more insecure in their relationship.

Though their posts are full of smiling faces and inside jokes, they can often hide a lack of communication or engagement. Social media is notorious for making us look good on the outside while we have to work on the inside and use filters to cover up imperfections.

No relationship is perfect, and research confirms that happy couples don’t look for approval or validation from others. You may find it helpful to evaluate with your partner your need to post status updates frequently. Insight always begins with the awareness of one’s own motivation to perform an action. Below are 5 common reasons why safe and truly happy couples don’t keep posting updates about their relationship on social media.

Here are 5 things happy couples know about social media

1. Posting excessively about your partner can signal that you need validation from others .

When you love someone, you know you can trust them. They treat you with respect and their actions back their words, making them dependable, trustworthy, and loyal.

2. When you’re happy in a real relationship, you don’t have the time or interest in social media.

Happy couples are busy living their real lives. They don’t post frequent relationship updates on social media because they care about what they create together.

3. Happy couples keep better boundaries and are reluctant to share about their partner.

The stronger the couple’s boundaries about what is posted on social media, the better the communication between the couple. Blurred boundaries cause more relationship conflicts.

4. Happier couples don’t rely on “likes” to complete each other.

Healthy people realize that there is more to the relationship between the two of them. When you post excessively about your partner on social media, you’re telling the world that this relationship is your life. When you nourish all parts of yourself, you stay interesting and invested in your own life.

5. Couples who were happier generally stayed away from social media.

The Happiness Research Institute reported on an experiment they conducted with 1,095 people. After a week in which the treatment group stopped using Facebook, overall life satisfaction was higher. This was also consistent with her perspective on intimate relationships. Depression, anger, and anxiety scores decreased significantly.

If you want a better relationship, invest more time in each other and less time in what you post online. The healthiest relationships are between two people. They are not based on “likes” or comments; they are based on co-creating a relationship that you value and enjoy being a part of.

5 things happy couples know about social media

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