
5 Pieces of Wisdom From Grandma: Maintaining Strong Love for a Lifetime

You can trust grandma’s advice. This also applies when it comes to love. That’s why you should take these 5 pieces of advice to heart.

How can a relationship last a lifetime? Our grandparents showed us how to do it and should know. Together they have overcome many blows of fate and yet never lost sight of each other. These are Grandma’s best tips for a happy relationship.

Tip from Grandma: “The grass is NOT greener on the other side”

We all know it all too well from various dating apps: Here, people swipe as much as they can, because maybe the next person is the right one… Or the next person… Or the next person.

Anyone who constantly compares their partner or relationship with others and is looking for the perfect person will not be happy in the long run. You should delete the word “perfect” from your vocabulary as quickly as possible anyway. Because nobody is perfect – and that’s a good thing!

Tip for a happy relationship: “Good things take time”

“So, when are you finally moving in together?” “Hasn’t he proposed to you yet?” “When do you want to have kids?” Sometimes these questions can put you under a lot of pressure. But every relationship is different and has its rhythm. So don’t adjust to other people’s expectations, but take the time you need.

Tip for a long marriage: “True beauty comes from within”

Sounds a bit cheesy, doesn’t it? In times of Instagram & Co., in which we like to compare ourselves to other people or chase after ideals of beauty, this tip is all the more important!

If you want to grow old happily together, you should find your partner’s beauty in more than just their looks. (And ideally, you will continue to find each other not only beautiful in old age but also lovely – with wrinkles and everything that goes with that!)

Relationship tip from grandma: “Laughter is healthy”

What is Grandma trying to tell us? Don’t take yourselves so seriously and don’t forget to have fun! In the daily grind between work and household, you often lose track of time. Of course, important topics need to be discussed and not put off – but not every conversation has to be about bills or laundry.

Keep the romance and fun alive in your relationship. You can do that with small gestures in your everyday life. Plan a weekly date night, try out a new hobby, or surprise your partner spontaneously with movie tickets.

Tip for eternal love: “Repair, don’t throw away”

We quickly throw things away. It could be a sock with a hole in it, a TV that still works well but is no longer the latest model… Or a relationship. We can learn from Grandma that it’s worth working on a marriage or relationship. Because once the rose-tinted glasses are gone, things get serious.

Communication is therefore the be-all and end-all of a happy relationship. Talk about your worries, show understanding for one another, and meet on equal terms to solve problems together. That way, one day you’ll celebrate your golden wedding anniversary just like Grandma and Grandpa!

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