
10 Effective Ways To Discipline Your Child

Discipline Your Child

10 Effective Ways To Discipline Your Child

Being a parent requires a lot of patience.

The child’s need for freedom and independence is in direct contrast to the parent’s responsibility to guide and protect their children.

That can be quite a challenge!

Every year growing up a child requires a lot of attention and different methods.

Of course, it is especially important that you discipline your child and teach them what is good and what is not by avoiding punishment.

If you want to discipline your child by punishing them, you only create the counter-effect.

Discipline does not have to mean punishment. It’s about helping children behave appropriately and understanding the basics of good behavior.

Much of this is based on conversation and listening, and works best when parents have a warm, loving relationship with their children.

Have you ever thought about effective child discipline techniques that actually work?

Here are some positive discipline techniques that I know will help discipline children without punishing them.

To make your parenting easier, we have prepared 10 tips and methods on how to discipline your child in a healthy way.

Show and tell

Show and tell

Teach your children what is right and what is wrong with calm words and actions.

Demonstrate behaviors that you want your children to behave in.

Since you have a child, you know that they are good listeners. Even when they are playing, the children listen to what we are talking about and see what adults are doing.

So it is very important to know that you are providing your child with an example of how to behave and how to talk.

The children remember all this and start acting and talking just like us.

If you’ve noticed your child doing something you don’t like, talk about it as if you want to improve it yourself.

Influencing the child’s behavior in this way has proven to be a good method for many parents.

The child listens to what you say and what you talk about and then thinks that he should act accordingly.

Of course, the same goes for your actions.

You can’t expect your child to behave differently if you don’t have those manners either.

Logical, isn’t it?

Be consistent

If you want to discipline your child the right way, be consistent

The first step in raising a disciplined child is to be consistent.

Don’t argue when your child replies or defends you.

Also, don’t argue if they do something wrong, e.g. B. breaking glass while playing in the room.

If you tell him you’re not happy with it every time he provokes or breaks something, he’ll know you mean business and stop misbehaving.

If you change your mind about something just once, it will take you for not being serious and will always expect you to say that when it does something it shouldn’t do, it’s not a problem.

Always stand by your opinion and never change it.

Explain the negative consequences

Explain the negative consequences

It’s important for children to see that there are consequences when they do something that goes beyond the bounds.

Calmly and firmly explain the consequences if they misbehave.

Some powerful negative consequences parents can try are the classic but effective “time out” or reducing “screen time.”

For example, tell her that if she doesn’t pick up her toys, you will put them away for the rest of the day.

Listen to your gut when it comes to consequences for unwanted behavior. You know your child better than anyone.

Be prepared to face the consequences immediately. Don’t back down by giving the toy back after a few minutes.

But remember, never take anything away from your child that they really need, such as a toy. B. a meal.

Giving your child a consequence in the heat of an argument is almost never effective.

Parents are often either too hard or too forgiving because they can’t think of anything suitable right away.

You should make a list of the consequences so that if you get angry or lack patience, you can know exactly how to react at the moment.

This will help you a lot especially when you are out in public and your child is misbehaving.

Let it be

Let it be

Not every problem has to be a struggle.

Sometimes you also need to allow your child to speak their mind and learn to give arguments.

Constantly arguing with your child can lead to resentment, and your ears will eventually become silent.

It should learn to defend itself. And if it gives you a good reason why it should or shouldn’t do something, you should also listen to it and do what the child wants.

Sometimes it’s best to let your child “win.”

For example, your child may not dress for school exactly as you would like them to.

It’s decently dressed, but not quite to your liking.

Nevertheless, it achieves excellent grades. If your suggestions for how it should look meet some resistance, it might be okay to let it go.

Your child will appreciate having some authority over their own life and learning to give and take. Choose your battles.

Reward good behavior

Reward good behavior

If you ask me, this works at every stage your child is in!

Whether you have a toddler or a teenager, every child loves treats and we grown-ups certainly do too!

Parents need to reward their child after doing something good so that the child is encouraged to repeat the behavior.

He gets the impression that his parents like what he has done and that they are happy with him, which will definitely make a child happy, apart from the reward he gets.

Some parents don’t realize the importance of rewarding their children for good behavior, which can work wonders.

So become a better parent and encourage your children more.

Pat your child on the back, compliment them and give them praise to show you want this behavior.

This is not to be confused with bribing a child in advance to motivate them to do what you want – the two are very different.

Some parents even give points for good behavior and subtract points for bad behavior.

My parents used to do that when I was little, and that made me want to do good things in order to get more and more good points.

At the end of a month, if you have more points, you will be rewarded for your good behavior.

Be quiet and then ask questions

Be quiet and then ask questions

You catch your child secretly taking sweets out of the cupboard – how do you react immediately?

Do you yell at it? Tell him what’s wrong.

Stop doing this immediately. You should do the opposite and be silent.

Sometimes it’s hurtful words, or it might be a volume that disturbs the peace.

Taking away the privilege of speaking for a certain amount of time calms the children down and gives them time to think.

If you catch your child doing something they shouldn’t do, they know it; it feels it.

Be still and let the situation create an awareness of them”

After that, you can say a short phrase that you have in your arsenal and then ask questions that will help the child find answers and really learn.

On the other hand, listening is very important. Before you help solve the problem, let your child finish the story.

Be aware of times when misconduct has a pattern, e.g. B. if your child is jealous.

Talk to your child about it instead of just imposing consequences.

Take a break

Take a break

A time-out can be particularly useful when a particular rule is broken.

If you don’t like what your child is doing, just say “Time out!” and have them sit on the couch and have time out for a few minutes.

If you are using this measure for the first time, then you should explain to the child what this word means.

This disciplinary measure works best by warning the children that if they don’t stop, they will get time off.

Remind them in a few words – and with as little emotion as possible – what they did wrong.

You also take them out of the situation for a certain amount of time.

Just make sure he doesn’t take his iPod or cell phone with him! Then, when they’ve calmed down, approach them and discuss the matter.

Discipline your child in public

Discipline your child in public

Disciplining your child in front of their friends or other family members may seem embarrassing, but it has its perks.

The moment you admit your child did something wrong, they will feel guilty.

Especially because it doesn’t know these people that well and doesn’t spend every day with them.

Another warning for the same act would be considered pointless by you.

Your child will then try to do their best so these people will think of how wonderful they are and how well-behaved they are.

It also prevents them from believing that what they did was right, even when everyone else thinks so.

The child will start behaving like this at home and it will then become his habit.

This is an essential step in raising a disciplined child.

Develop a sense of independence

Develop a sense of independence

Try to involve your child in activities that you can do together.

You can help him a little to get the job done, but it’s better if you let him take charge.

This includes your child putting away their toys, preparing their meal, taking a bath, or getting dressed.

You know exactly what your child is capable of and what will not burden him too much.

This can make him feel important because he enjoys your attention.

Don’t give your toddler instructions, give them responsibility.

Your child will appreciate that and if you give them tasks like these, they will very quickly start doing them on their own without you having to tell them.

For example, ask them to choose whether they want to wear a black dress or a red dress for the birthday party.

By giving your child choices, you show them that you respect their feelings and that they have a say in a given situation.

set limits

set limits

Establish clear and consistent rules that your children can follow.

When it comes to family rules, a good rule of thumb is “Be strict but fair.” Children will test their limits.

So be prepared to commit to these rules as a family and try to be consistent.

It’s important for families to set their own rules about what’s okay and what’s not, what the boundaries are, and what you, as a parent, expect from your children in terms of their behavior.

Make sure you explain these rules in age-appropriate terms that they can understand.

Make sure your child knows why you are making your rules.

You don’t want him to think, “I have to go to bed early because my mom is mean.

Instead, teach them that they need to sleep because it’s good for their brain and body.

If they understand the reasoning behind your rules, they’ll be more willing to make good decisions when you’re not there to enforce them.

10 effective ways to discipline your child


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